If you watch the West Wing, you'll want to know who we saw on holiday!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
We went to this building, called the Ferry Building. It's full of little food stalls selling gorgeous gourmet food, little deli's, etc etc...

Anyway, we were having lunch in a really nice little cafe bar place. and we saw....


Well, the actress who plays her, anyway. Janel Maloney. Steve wasn't so sure it was her at first, thinking she'd aged too well, but then she looked up, and it was DEFINATELY her. She was reading a script...

Maybe not the biggest star in the world, but pretty cool for me and Steve given it's one of our favourite TV shows EVER. Just thought any fellow fans might like to know!
OMG - West Wing was (and is) one of my all-time favorite shows and Donna was the character that I felt developed the most over the course of the show.

I'd be so excited to see her too!

TinysMom wrote:
OMG - West Wing was (and is) one of my all-time favorite shows and Donna was the character that I felt developed the most over the course of the show.

I'd be so excited to see her too!
YAY Peg! I remember you posting about the West Wing before- so I was hoping you'd see this!! :biggrin2:

Thanks guys!

It sounds silly- but until this holiday, I'd never seen a proper 'famous person' before this holiday.... me and Steve were totally star struck lol... Lucky we were sat far enough away and sort of behind a plant that she couldn't hear us 'omg-ing'! :p

As for her character- I agree with you Peg! I also loved how they used her as a way to sort of explain things for the viewers. Like they'd have an episode on something.... can't think of an example now.... and Donna would ask Josh about it, and he'd explain it to her. I thought that was very clever. Plus she was hillarious! :D

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