if anyone is interested in saving a life

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Mar 16, 2005
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I just saw this little guy on petfinder..i know there are tons of bun'sjust like him but I just thought maybe we could start a thread likethis so that if anyone is interested we can let each other know..evenif we can save one life. I will help with shipping orwhatever other means it get him somewhere if that's what it takes.

Megan and Hip Hop
I understand how you feel about wanting to save arabbit....because I love my bunnies and would adopt as many as myhusband would let me.

For instance, there are currently 27 Flemish Giant rabbits arepetfinder.org - here is a link to a bonded pair I'd love tohave:


There is also a pair of lionhead rabbits in Portland, OR I'd love to have (my son goes to school there).

Anyway - I understand how you feel. I wish I could help you save that bunny - maybe somebody will be able to help you.

Peg - who needs to stop looking at petfinder.org 'cause I cry about the bunnies I can't adopt
oh my gosh that lop is adorable..howunfortunate..see i would have never been able to find that link..thankyou both for helping out..if you know anyone who wants to adopt sendthem to think link that way we can help the homeless..my boyfriendwould freak out if he knew i was doing this because everytime i go onpetfinder I convince him to let me get another animal!
I was looking at adopting a rabbit, and they always want to come and see where it will stay and interview you. Alot like when you adopt a child. They would not let me adopt one because I have a child under 5. I was gutted. So basicly the could not be shipped. I almost drive 4 counties to get one, until i found out they had to visit the home.

I went and bought 2 from breaders instead. They are lovely and my son is learning to give them their space just fine.They always have a place to hide from him if they need to, but that is hppening less and less. Some times they even chase him!

well i understand i couldn't send them to anothercountry but i would send them to another state in the u.s...i hate tosee them be put to sleep..i went to my local shelter today and i thinki'm going to adopt this cutie pie! i don't know why i go tothose places..it tears me apart..they had these 3 babys with huge dearsthey were SO ADORABLE..but i live in an apartment so i fell in lovewith this little dwarf..he's so sweet!!!
Depending on where you adpot it can take awhile..i was talking about adopting from a local shelter..that dosen'ttake but a few days but it's kinda expensive! Its gonna cost65 dollars to adopt him..but they do neuter them for you.
I know i think that's an even better reason forpeople to adopt because these animals need homes and they come healthyand neutered!