Ideas on gender???

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
Winona, Minnesota, USA
Baby 1


Baby 2

Let me know if I need to wait a while to figure it out. I have no idea and I am not sure if it is too early to tell gender. I hope the pics are good enough.
How old are they? They still look a little young, but if I were to sex them I would think that baby 1 is a male and baby 2 is a female. The pictures make it a little hard to tell about the second one, but the first I'm pretty sure is a male.
Oh really? hmm, I've always waited until 2-3 weeks..because that's what I've heard..I'll check the babies I have on the way now when they're born. Now I feel dumb for waiting, :p
The genitals of young kits are very delicate and easily damaged, so many breeders just wait until weaning to check the sex of the kits.

Kits canbe more safely sexed at an early age bycomparing the span between the genitals and the rectum (nearly connected in does - farther apart in bucks.)
I agree that the genitals are need to be pushed back more. You want the genital to pop more, the boy will look like a doughnut and the girl will look like a taco.

No guarantees, but the pictures look to me like the first one is a boy and the second one is a girl. But would like some better pictures to confirm.

There are some good pictures of little boy bits here:

I will agree on the baby 1 boy, baby 2 girl by the pictures. Better pictures would be better. I usually wait until their eyes are open to check sex.
They are 16 days old, and the eyes are open. I "pushed" as hared as i thought i should to get them to "pop" out. i will wait another week then and get more/better pics

THX ALL!!!!!

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