I'd love to know what breed she is..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Webberville, Michigan, USA
Ok, we know that our first rabbit is a satin (not a mini) and she feels like one too; but our second ones breed is the question. She's very soft but does not have that satin feel (I think lol) and she has a dark, almost black undercoat and her belly is white/black or brown 'spots' mixed in. Her brothers and sisters that we saw were all whitewith brown eyes.She is a lot smaller in bone sizethan our first one was at 6 weeks and her ears are just a bit wider.

I'm thinking she's mixed, since the sales lady had said that the guy that brought them in had called them an 'accidental breeding'. I mean I'm not worried about her exact breeding or anything, I'm just wondering if there is some clue as to what our mystery bun is. :)



How old is she and how much does she weigh?

From her ear size, she's definitely not a dwarf. lol.

I'd venture to say she is a Flemish mix, because of her large ears, but it will help to know how old she is and how much she weighs. ;)

Her colour appears to be something like either Chestnut Agouti or Sandy... she's a very light Chestnut Agouti if that is her colouring. Someone will be able to help in that area. lol.

RabbitOwner1986 wrote:
Well she's just about 7 weeks and has to be about a pound if that lol So she's still really young. :)

Ooh wow. Lol. She's got some big ears for being so tiny!! It's hard to tell what she could be mixed with if she's just 1 pound at 7 weeks. Maybe a medium sized rabbit...but not something as big as a Flemish.

I'm thinking that she'll be somewhat small/medium. I mean I don't know too much about rabbits but her bone size is a heck of a lot smaller then Bella our 9 week old. So I'm just going off of that. :)

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