i was wondering this

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
seems like everytime i go to petco there are diffrent rabbits in the pen. and a few of the old ones too.

how the world to they not kill each other. i know they surely dont takeany time to try to bond them. i guess they let them duke it out!!?? iknow sometimes i go in there and see injured bunnies i guess fromfighting.
Yup. Basically.

That's my main reason for not shopping at petstores :?.

Too often I see rabbits & guinea pigs just tossed into anenclosure & left there to do whatever they do.... breed, fight,eat, drink, and poop. :?

If more people would stop buying from the pet shops, then therewouldn't be the demand, therefore the petstores wouldn't buy them tosell anymore, and then they wouldn't fight or have the unexpectedlitter at their new home :shock:.

SunnieBunnie Rabbitry wrote:
Yup. Basically.

That's my main reason for not shopping at petstores :?.

Too often I see rabbits & guinea pigs just tossed into anenclosure & left there to do whatever they do.... breed, fight,eat, drink, and poop. :?

If more people would stop buying from the pet shops, then therewouldn't be the demand, therefore the petstores wouldn't buy them tosell anymore, and then they wouldn't fight or have the unexpectedlitter at their new home :shock:.


The only down side to that is some pets stores continue to order themeven if they don't sell. My older job where I rescued Harper (wasordered for snake food, and I lost my job over gettin' him. Best thingto ever happen!) had guinea pigs constantly, but never sold them. Ihave two guinea pigs named Octavia and Julius. They were ordered by thestorein 2001 to sell. They didn't sell after acouplemonths, so they were thrown into the backin aHAMSTER cage, 14L x 10W x 10H. Not even the size of a 10 gallon tank.They became breeders for 4 years, and the babies were then put out tosell. When they didn't sell, theysold themto OTHERpet stores, or to breeding farms that we used to order our hamstersfrom. I begged for them forever to let me have them, and then last yearafter Octavia had two very difficult pregnancies that almost killedher, and each baby died, they decided that she was "no good" anymorebecause she couldn't produce babies. So, they sold them to me, and nowthey live in luxary. Their cage is 5 foot long, by 4 foot wide, and 3foot tall. (And Julius is fixed so no more babies!)

My point of all that was to show that some pet stores will quitcarrying guinea pigs if people quit buying. HOWEVER, my former job justgoes to prove that some places will not quit carrying them, no matterhow many people decide not to buy. And if no one adopts them out andgets them out of that horrible place, then they may end up living theirlives there until they die slowly of a horrible disease or something. :(

This reminded me of a funny (and sad)story of how I ended up with4 gunea pigs in the early 90's. Iused to stop in a Woolworths store near my home and I always looked atthe animals. They had two nice fancy pigs in the same cage back wherethey kept the birds and fish along the wall with hot lights on them. Inoticed the pigs had no water so politely asked one ofthestaff to give them water. She said she would. The next dayI went back to the store and they had no water..I asked politely oncemore. and the lady gave them water. I stopped in about two days laterand they had no water. This is where the story begins.....I gave up onthe place and for the next several months went into the store with anexercise plastic water bottle and snuck water to those guinea pigs. itbecame a part of each day ...go in , wait until no one was around andthen give them water. THEN I GOT CAUGHT!..one of the employees caughtme giving them water and I went into a verbal rage. I think that I wasfrothing at the mouth. I tried to explain that I had tried to have thestaff do their jobs but 'No water. " She told me "you can't do that". Italked to the manager, told him I was writing a letter to his boss andbought both pigs because I knew I would not be able to give them wateranymore. Several weeks later one of the pigs had 2 baby girls. I hadthe male neutered and they lived a long and happy life in mybathroom...Ulysses, Sabrina Felicity and Lucy....I'm glad thatWoolworths went out of business.
I've always wondered how my cousin can do thesame thing.. she puts two rabbits.. or more!in a cage andwatches them for maybe 10 minutes, if they don't show sevre signs ofaggression she leavesthem and checks about an hourlater. They are usually fine together. She's only had a few rabbitsthat ever started anything. She laughed when I told her about thebonding process when I bought Pebbles off her. She's had trios of malerabbits together, a group of females together and numerous pairs overthe years. Could be she just got lucky, or maybe rabbits get alongbetter then people say. All her rabbits are not neutered or spayed aswell. I don't agree with how she does it, but she's always managed tohave her pairs or trios work fine together.

I'm almost tempted to go into petstores just to see how well they carefor their animals.. but yet agian I'd probably be walking out with adozen boxes of rescues!

Just to say again..

I hate 99% of petshops! :growl:
