"I was just feeding myself..."

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
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Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Mommy has had a tough week. A few daysago, she came home from that place she calls work, saying somethingabout fire and a person, so I know that can't be good. Thenshe had to go to the vet!! She told us she was sick and hadto go to the doctor, I hope she doesn't make her take that stuff Mommycalls baytril. She let me stay in bed with her thatday. We had fun. I got lots of bunny cuddles and wewatched TV, we don't have that in our room.

The next morning, when we got fed, she told us she was bringing a newbaby bunny home. Well, I don't know about that, he might benew, but he can't bea baby, he's almost as big asme! She got home really late that night, but we still got oursalads when she got home.

The next day, we got to meet the "baby" bunny. He's a bigcrazy thing. He just ran and ran around our room and thenflopped in the corner. I wondered where his cage was, butthen I found out he gets to live in Mommy's room. Oh, I wasmad, so I gave her the butt. We also got to play with daddyand he always gives us lots of treats.

Then, when Mommy fed us the next morning, Mommy looked reallyawful. She was hot when she cuddled me. She told usshe was going with Daddy, but she would give us our salad and oats whenshe got home. She must have forgotten, I was mad because Ithought she was just remembering that other guy.

But, I knew she was really sick the next morning when Nana came to doour water bottles and pellets. She forgot our oats too, so Idecided to help. The oats were sitting on top of my cage, soI put a tiny hole in the bottom and gave myself my oats. Lastnight, mommy must have been a little better because she came in withour salads and to give us pets and cuddles. When she openedmy door, she was confused because oats fell on my head, but then shesaw the canister....oh, was she mad.

She's never yelled at me before, even when I sprayed her because Sagescared me. But then she felt bad, so she took me into her bedfor cuddles. I was happy then because I got cuddles and I gotto see that Sampson, that "baby" bunny, has a cage and doesn't sleep inthe bed with Mommy.

I LOVE this.....I hope you do more of these abouthow your bunnies intereact with each other, etc. I findmyself trying to talk for my bunnies sometimes about how they'refeeling or thinking - the problem is....I talk OUT LOUD....Good thing my honey is gone for a month....he'd think I'm crazy (heprobably thinks that anyway).

Cute story!!

Brindle likes to help out if she thinks we've forgotten something....

"No,no...that's ok! Don't get up! I got it!".....
Cirrus: what an awsome storylol i love he helpedhimself to the oatslol that will teach ya to forgot the oats lol. im sorry you weresick hon hope your feeling better, Never mind Ken he thinks heis all knowing ahen most of thetime he is clueless.
awww, i love the way you wrote that story - icouldnt help laughing at some points - like about the oats and stuff!!!Keep writing stories like that - its great and your bun is so clever!Hope you are feeling better,

Oh, I LOVE this!!!...

Poor little Elvis! He was just trying to be helpful bygetting his own oats.

See, it's true ... no good deed goes unpunished! ... :p
I almost died last night when I went to feed him, and oats mysteriously fell on his head. LOL

Poor guys have been neglected, but their going to be getting new NICcondos this week, I think, so the neglect will stop. They gotextra oats and pumpkin last night, so they are feeling happiertoday.

They don't generally do funny things like that,but it was so precious. He looked at me like:"What? I really wanted my oats, you know how much I likethem."

I was honestly going to post what a bad boy Elvis had been, but then Ithought it would be much more entertaining from his point ofview. Looking from his side, I feel really bad for being madwhen I found the big hole in the bottom of the oats. Theyhave honestly been sitting there for months, I can't believe he leftthem for that long and now he eats them. Basil has found waysto pull more then 1 bag of hay to her cage for some self service.

Jen (is that right)?

How cute! I LOVE this story! Your buns should havetheir own blog. :D Can't wait to hear more fromyour babies!

Love Kricket
Hi Jen! :)

I hope you're feeling better. This one really had you down for days. Ihate it when you're that sick because you forget what it's like to feelno aches, pains, etc. Hopefully, you're past the worst of it. Will saya prayer that you are.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. You really made us see through theeyes of the rabbit. You got right into the little one's thoughts.Someone with such a gift should really consider writing a children'sbook at least. I'd love to read a story like that to a child.


Kisses to all the babies for me - and an extra squeeze to Baby Sampson.

Carolyn -- I'm actually still trying to fightthis one. It's really starting to make me mad, I never getsick for this long and I never miss work. My boss is goingnuts, but I can't risk exposing anyone and I can't stay awake longenough for work, but I still get my paperwork done at least.LOL

My best friend wants to write children's books, when we were little, wehad this writing class in school where we wrote stories (we were like10 or something insane like that) and I think we both learned tons fromthat. I like to write, but I don't have the patience to do itvery often. She writes everyday, I just don't have thetime. Plus, she's a nanny, so she has tons ofinspiration. All my stories would be like this one, aboutanimals because that's all I deal with. LOL

*Hugs and Kisses* for Cali, Tucker and Fauna!

Kricket wrote:
Jen (is that right)?

How cute! I LOVE this story! Your buns should havetheir own blog. :D Can't wait to hear more fromyour babies!

Love Kricket
Kricket -- I really need to start a photo thread so everyone can watchSampson grow and Saphy and Orion too. Maybe the buns can havelittle journal entries about the insane things they do. Liketoday, when Sampson thought he could he could help me put laundry awayby sitting on the bed and moving things after I folded them or sittingon them when I was trying to fold them. He really needed togo back in his cage, but he's just too cute when he's out and about.


:shock:I thought only Apollodid that. He even runs away with the laundry. When we were packing tomove that boy was going to help me to death lol.

I would love to see pics of the whole bunny family. How cute.

dajeti2 wrote:
:shock:I thought only Apollo did that. Heeven runs away with the laundry. When we were packing to move that boywas going to help me to death lol.

I would love to see pics of the whole bunny family. How cute.


Guinevere LOVES laundry day... she pushes all the sheets into a pile for her mom =)
Oh my God! What a cute story!:) I love the wayyou narrated with that little "I don't understand why" bunny attitude!You really brightened my day at work!

Hope you feel better soon!:)