I was found in the road! - Otsego, Michigan

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Otsego, Michigan, USA

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I am an adult female who is VERY well-mannered. i love to cuddle and snuggle. I am litter trained.

I was found in the road in a small town. After a week of searching, no one claimed me as theirs. Now I am looking for a forever home.

I am not afraid of dogs, kids or random people picking me up. I love attention and I love exploring.

The place I am staying at now cannot keep me because they already have a bonded pair and I'm too big to live in their current home. Right now I am in a small cage with time out during the day, but I would live happier somewhere else. Someone please find a home for me!!
I wish I could help, but 2 problems:
Mike would disown me if I took on another rabbit
And you're too far away. :(

I hope you can find her a loving home!
if you know anyone in the area near you even that could give her a good home let me know, I'm willing to meet people. She is really upset being in a small cage right now :( and my two buns are going insane peeing on everything because they are stressed.
best of luck finding her a forever home! I can't believe people dump bunnies on the side of the road :(
I need to "bump" this.. one of my family members is having a horrible allergic reaction to her so I am desperately trying o find her a good home ASAP
Sweet girl! I wish we could take her, but hubby's not totally on board with getting a bunny #4 and I would have to make sure she could bond with our Nibbles first. I hope you can find somewhere for her!
well "Skittles" has been sent to a great forever home. I posted on Craigslist about a lost bunny in case someone was looking for her. You get a lot of crazies that way. One said that it was their rabbit from LaPort Indiana.. HOURS away.