i want to start litter training..

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
i want to starting litter training snickers. how do i start, how big of a litter box should i get (she is a mini lop)? i do have a little litter box out when she runs. but she just jumped in there and started digging*.

*how can i make her dig less in the corners and, yes, on the walls? it drives me CRAZY!!! :panic: :banghead

You may be able to divert some of the digging by filling a box with something that she can dig to her heart's content. The digging material can be paper [except the glossy stuff] or some leftover litter you didn't care for.

The actual litter box can be made digging resistant by putting a sheet of fiberglass window screen replacement material on top of the litter. Weight it down at the corners or fasten it to some metal screening or chicken wire. The box should be big enough that your rabbit can stretch out in it.
I put timothy hay in the litter boxes as well. Also when they are out and about for the daily run I will put their litter boxes out on the floor in the spot they have chosen. All my bunnies pick their spots

For bunnies that are just learning, I've made sure any accidents are wiped up, put the towels in the litter box and then placed the bunny in the litter box. They all eventually caught on.

Be consistent and patience is a virtue. Some bunnies catch on faster than others

i will try at some point soon. she is being good about going to the bathroom when i put her back.

another question: she is mainly in her hutch in the cellar but on good days like today, i put her in the outside one which is the one she grew up in. she doesnt seem to go to the bathroom outside, what should i do to encourage her?
ilovepets wrote:
i will try at some point soon. she is being good about going to the bathroom when i put her back.

another question: she is mainly in her hutch in the cellar but on good days like today, i put her in the outside one which is the one she grew up in. she doesnt seem to go to the bathroom outside, what should i do to encourage her?

Maybe putting the litter box that's in the basement hutch in the outside hutch when she's out there. If she's real good at going when you put her back, she might be comfortable with that one.

she just has a tray with each cage and they are different sizes. should i just put some if the dirty bedding in the out door tray?
ilovepets wrote:
she is mainly in her hutch in the cellar but on good days like today, i put her in the outside one which is the one she grew up in. she doesnt seem to go to the bathroom outside, what should i do to encourage her?
It depends on how long she's outside, whether you want to change this or not. Once she's back inside, does she rush to the litter box? If not, I think I'd leave things as is. It's often good that they don't go when they're not in their usual place: like in a carrier or at the vet's.
ilovepets wrote:
she just has a tray with each cage and they are different sizes. should i just put some if the dirty bedding in the out door tray?

Good idea. But it depends on how long you will have her outside. If she's out there for a long period, then put the dirty bedding in there to encourage her to go. If she's out there for short period of time, then putting her back in her inside hutch right away after the outside excursion.

It's all trial and error. Good Luck.

LakeCondo wrote:
ilovepets wrote:
she is mainly in her hutch in the cellar but on good days like today, i put her in the outside one which is the one she grew up in. she doesnt seem to go to the bathroom outside, what should i do to encourage her?
It depends on how long she's outside, whether you want to change this or not.  Once she's back inside, does she rush to the litter box?  If not, I think I'd leave things as is.  It's often good that they don't go when they're not in their usual place: like in a carrier or at the vet's.

she doesnt go straight to her bathroom corner. if the weather is not going to be really hot, she will be outside from 10 am to 6 pm
That DOES sound a bit long before needing to go, but if she's not rushing to go ASAP when back inside, it must not bother her. But the problem may be that she doesn't understand the difference between going outside the litter box outside [ok] & inside [not ok]. So you might want to get another litter box for outside.
i will try to put some dirty bedding in her tray out side today when i put her out. most days she is out for a shorter time than the time above and she usually just sleeps.
I know with my rabbits I put the litter box in a corner and the hay in the opposite corner, and when he "went" I simply moved the soiled bedding into the litter box, after about a week or two they caught on :)

Hopefully this helps!
I know with my rabbits I put the litter box in a corner and the hay in the opposite corner, and when he "went" I simply moved the soiled bedding into the litter box, after about a week or two they caught on :)

Hopefully this helps!

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