Ijust want to thank you guys for helpingme out with all my silly newbie questions! Right after work I ran tothe dollar store (oh good old dollar store) and bought two hundred andsome of those zip ties, and yes right when I got home I started tobuild the cage. Do those things ever work!!! What would I do withoutyou guys!! I hope you all know how knowledgable and kind you are.....Ithink bunny lovers have a special gene which allows them to be soconsiderate. I will be sure to keep you guys posted on the cage andhopefully soon, the bunny. I talked to a woman who had an ad in thebargain Finder and she was so nice and said she would call latertonight and she would offer to bring a couple of different breeds (lopsand rexs and one hotot I think)to my house so I could see what theylook like and see how they interact with me and my roomie and myapartment! I am soooo excited! I guess what I wanted to ask to is whatshould I be looking for in a baby bunny...are there any tell tale signsthat show I shouldn't get that rabbit? I was thinking that I wanted alop because I love their cute little fat cheeks and their overall sizebut is that a good choice? Well any advice would be greatly appreciatedand I will for sure keep you all posted! Thanks again for all yourhelp!!!~Erin~