My best advice for you is to volunteer or workwith a vet as much as possible now. I am not sure how old you are, butmany vets will at least take 14-16 year olds on as kennel help. Myroomate is in his 3rd year in vet school, I have 10-15 friends in vetschool right now, and I was prevet for a loooong time. It is best todecide now if being a vet is what you want to do. It is a lot of hardand very expensive school, and most vets have nice paychecks- but notwhat the average public assumes they are getting. But, if it issomething you really want, it is worth it! So... volunteer, askquestions and dedicate yourself to getting the best grades possible. Itis harder to get into vet school, than it is to get in to medicalschool! :shock: