i want to be a vet!

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Most likely when you train at vet school youwill learn about the different specialisms and what you need to do toget that specialism, so you will have a better idea then, butessentially choose something that you are interested in.

I think that you become a general vet first and then specialise, if youchoose to, but I could be wrong. That's in the UK though.
I would assume that you would still leanr the different specialisms.

Maybe go to the careers office/advisor/whoever you have there anddiscuss it with her about how the course might be structured, etc.
What grade are you in? In high school, you willneed to take bio, chemestry, and physics. There are a few vet schoolsthat i know of in canada. on is in sask. apparently its really hard toget into.

not to dash your dreams or anything, but it takes a lot of work to become a vet.
My best advice for you is to volunteer or workwith a vet as much as possible now. I am not sure how old you are, butmany vets will at least take 14-16 year olds on as kennel help. Myroomate is in his 3rd year in vet school, I have 10-15 friends in vetschool right now, and I was prevet for a loooong time. It is best todecide now if being a vet is what you want to do. It is a lot of hardand very expensive school, and most vets have nice paychecks- but notwhat the average public assumes they are getting. But, if it issomething you really want, it is worth it! So... volunteer, askquestions and dedicate yourself to getting the best grades possible. Itis harder to get into vet school, than it is to get in to medicalschool! :shock:
One thing I have to say after looking into vetschool myself, is get into a very good study habit now! I know, I know,everyone says that and the people with the good grades never listen. Iwas one of those people who flew through high school and bam, I get toUniversity and was in for one big shock. I had to learn how to studyand my first semester taught me that I need to study the WHOLEsemester, not just before tests.

I'm saying this because I don't know where you live but there is onlyone vet school in western Canada and it accepts less than 100 peopleper year! You have to have a very high GPA to get accepted and it isn'tas easy as it seems. Pre-vet is easy to get into if you have a goodmark coming out of high school but it's the transition from pre-vet tovet that is the hardest because of the high requirements. Some of thebest people get accepted in after 2 years of pre-vet but very few, mosthave to take 3+ years.

And as others said, it's a lot of school for the amount you end up being paid but if you enjoy it, that's what matters.

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