I worry all day long about my babies, especiallyif someone else is watching them! I can't imagine not seeing them everyday, and I'm out there several times a day usually.
They are really demanding when they want something. Not that hard tocare for physically (food, water) once you figure it out, but they arereally fragile emotionally. Like dogs, more than cats.Theycan bereally needy, jealous, moody, and clingy.At least mine are usually. They have like dailyemotionalcrises if something doesn't go right, or if there'scrows in the tree making noise, or if one of the others got moreattention. Pandemonium has incredible temper tantrums that involvethrowing things, biting, and slamming doors back and forth. And she'sdeaf so I need to be carefulnot toscare her. Izzywilts and gets terribly depressed if she isn't showered with attention.My boy Bunbun thought I was his mate and sprayed me every day--and,er....did other boy things. Smokey attacks anything that approaches.Bubby's little face is heartbreakingly sad when I have to leave him,and he stands up holding onto the cage watching as I walk away. Fenwickhas constant allergies.
But that's the bad stuff. The good stuff is worth all the trouble. But they do need consistent time and attention.