I want a budgie!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
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Dundee, Scotland, ,
For a while now I have been trying to convincemy parents to get another rabbit (or two;)) for Christmas. But I haveto face it, it's just not going to happen! So, I have taken a differentapproach and now I've decided I want a budgie instead. They haven'tsaid yes, but, it's not a definite no like a rabbit so, I have to findout about them.

Does anyone have budgies, could you tell me a bit about them, can theylive without another one, how much do they cost.. anything at all wouldbe much appreciated!
Yay! Budgies Rock!

I have a female budgie, but has out lived 3 male budgies I had with her(one after the other). And shes coming up to 11 years! (Imnot sure why they died so young though:?)

I think it is better to keep them in pairs as with any bird/animal. Butif you have a pair they tend not to be that talkative, only to eachother. I heard that the males are suppose to talk more thanfemales, But I have yet to hear a budgie talk! Im not sure ifit is a rumour that they talk or not. In 11 years I have never heard mybudgie talk.

They cost very little to keep, and they can be very tame with lots ofhandling at a young age. Mine have come out for a fly around the livingroom a few times and they love it. You just have to duck ifit flys over your head! Oh and cover up the mirror! Andwindows with no curtains.


Here's a couple of links on budgies that might help you, Michaela:



I'm not sure how much they cost, but I believe their price isrelatively cheap compared to some of the more exotic species. Yourbiggest expense will most likely be a cage...they can get prettypricey. However,I know that here in Canada there areresources on the 'net for purchasing second-hand items (one of them iscalled Freecycle). You could look into that if you have anythingsimilar in your area (though a recommendation would be to first findout howto clean any used cage that you'd purchase-risks of transferred disease, etc.).

I hope this helps...
Thanks Linz and Bassetluv, that's great! I wasin my local pet shop today and I saw a little blue and white one- itwas beautiful:inlove:! My parents still haven't agreed but I'm workingon it!
OMG I have free-cycle aswell! Wow! Its great, I have got rid of a few things from there.

Budgies are probually the cheapest 'parot' to get! Ive seenparrots in pet shops for atleast £1,000! Its ridiculous.

You can buy lots of neat toys for budgies aswell:D I have amirror for my budgie and she spends all day looking into it talking tothe other budgie the other side. Its so cute. Shegoes up to it and kisses it too!

When you get a cage make sure the perches are differentsizes. Cos if they are all the same size its feet will adjustto the size and most probually be painful for it!

Hm, I don't know much about Budgies but I dohave a Parrotlet and they are very similar in size, although P'letscost a bit more.

The only thing I have to add is when purchasing a cage, be sure to buyone with the bar spacing no more than 1/2" wide - anything wider andthey could get their heads stuck between the bars - you wouldn't wantthat ;)

PS - I have never shown my Kiwi a mirror before because they tend to"bond" to the bird in the mirror and I wanted him to bond to meinstead, so yep.
It's not looking good- my mum is still sayingno.She say she has enough animals to feed (we have 3 rabbits,2 cats and 2 hamsters, I don't think it's that many). There's noproblem with actually getting the budgie or cage- just the food!:mad:
An allowence? You mean like pocket money? Wellno I don't get a set amount of money, I just get bought something if Ineed it, although I have money, and have offered to pay for the food.Hopefully I'll be getting a job soon, possibly in the Christmasholidays, and that's when I want to get the budgie so that could work!

Could someone please tell me roughlyhow much a budgie coststo feed? I think what's putting mum off a bit is that the rabbits costa lot more to feed than she expected!:shock:
Pet stores offer so many temptations.I was really looking at the budgies today because I know my little boywould absolutely love one (but I am concerned that the cat might getit).

I also really loved the albino "pacman" frog and nearly bought one.

Ended up just coming home with 20 feeder fish for the Piranha (Bob) and4 dozen crickets for our tree frog, toad, praying mantis and hamster :D




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