Okay, I never had a bunny my Lionhead is an adult around 1 and received him as a gift. I lost my dog that was my world in a horrible way and I never wanted a pet again (especially a dog) but I love animals and went to nursing school at this time and an animal can really make your day. I was also really down about my dog. Because of this, my boyfriend ended up surprising me with a boy bunny at the time he was 3 1/2 months on march 3 in 2012. I fell in love, he was shy, and I just started to read everything I can about rabbits. After learning about them, I honestly think dogs and cats are a lot easier to take care of. I feel like as a bunny owner you are constantly against all odds to make sure your bunny is safe and healthy; I feel like they can die from anything and pet stores sell dangerous products for bunnies. Well here is my problem I am sometimes a real hypochondriac about myself and would think I had so many things especially because of nursing. I graduated now and I am looking for a job as a RN and I seriously always worry my bunny has something and at the moment I do not have a job and already took my bunny to the vet twice about orange urine I read about it but I just wanted to make sure anyways because it says online its mostly during winter and from plant pigments. I was making sure he does not have any urinary problems because I feel like he has it a lot but at times light yellow urine but they did test his urine. They said he was healthy and my parents constantly hear about my worries and they had to pay for my bun's vet visits. Okay so now ugh his entire bottom is white he is black in areas too, but as he was lying down with legs stretched I looked really close by his tail like where he pees and poops there isn't anything stucked there because he cleans that area. The spot looks like a little stained. I am thinking it is because his urine is always orange and he has white fur down there so is that okay? ( I'm so mad because he has been to the vet in recent month but I don't remember if he had that before) He pees and poops fine and cleans himself eats his cecotropes fine too. Plus he is a lionhead and he has a lot of fur. I groom him by combing but he allows me only to pet his bottom. If I start probing he gets mad and turns away but he has always done this its not a new behavior, I want to trim his hair down there. I try but I'm scared I will cut him because he moves but I get hair off here and there. I want to take him to the vet to get it checked but since I do not have a job and I always think something is wrong with my bunny I think my parents are going to be like seriously? I am sorry it is just I worry about everything with him I feel like I am constantly worrying about him because I hear all these stories online about fly strike (if there is a fly in the house I go in killing mode with my fly swatter lol), gi statis, sludge it seems like bunnies can get anything because they are so delicate. Please do not yell at me and say go to the vet (unless if I should because you now what it is) TRUST me when I'm nurse if anything is wrong with him I'm taking him to the vet I have no problem dishing out money for the vet because I adore him. I just am trying not to over react because I often do. I think I'm doing this because I don't have a job yet and I'm focusing on him instead of school and stuff. Lol I know this post seems so crazy but I am so scared that I am missing a sign of an illness or something and I am a little frazzled right now. I love bunnies but lol I could not imagine having like 3 of them. I would be constantly worrying about them. So please respond especially if you have a bunny with white fur on their bottom. I make sure he has Hinckley bottled water because there is no flouride in it, give him hay that stated there are no pesticides (timothy), organic romaine lettuce, parsley, cilantro, mint and as treats sometimes bananas (LOVES) , little bits of non gmo oats, and carrots I try to give him more variety but he does not like anything but I always try. I also give him high fiber timothy pellets low in calcium and protein for his urinary health. If there is are tips for having a bunny please let me know I do not know anyone with a bunny. SORRY so long.