I think Pebbles is afraid of men..?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada

I'm not sure if Pebbles just isn't used to men, or she's intimidated by them. I know she wasn't abused or anything when she was a baby by a man or somethig.

Well, I've noticed when my dad or brothers walk into the rabbit room she'll go run into her box and stay in there for a while. But, if my mom or me walks in she comes to the side of the cage to get pet.

Also, when she's running around on the stairs, and is near the top and my dad or brothers are coming up she'll act like she's trapped and panic. She'll stay as far away from them as possible, and if they're too close to her she'll just stay there against the wall or railing until they pass.But if me or my mom comes upordown the stairs, she'll come up to us and follow us up or down. Although my oldest brother sometimes lays down on the floor and she'll come to sniff him and play around him just fine...

She's not used to my mom at all, because I'm practically the only one who socializes with her. I can tell she's more comfortable with my mom walking past, rather then my brothers or dadby her body language.

Any clue why, and what should I do about it?

yes alot of animals are afraid, or dont get along with a certin sex.

i dont know why, i guess they just smell, and act, and look and talk diffrent from what they are used to
She's not spayed, and the only time she was around male bunnies was with her litter mates when she was young.

I'm still not 100% sure she's female (Pretty sure, but haven't checked in a bit and I don't know if the gender fairy has came to have a little visit..)

The only thing I can think of is that she'sjust not used to them. She was raised from birth by my cousin (female) and mostly only interacts with me.

I had a friend when I was in middle school that had a dalmation that would hide under the coffee table when her dad came home from work. So I know other animals can have the same reaction.
Buck had me try something when I had a very skittish bun that I was having problems handling. Interestingly, it seems bunnies might react to the tone and pitch of your voice. A higher pitched "cooing" or "sing-songy" voice tends to calm my buns down during such activities as nail clipping. If you can get them to try it, ask the "guys" to try talking to her this way and see how she reacts.

I should try that.. I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind :D. He likes Pebbles, he just gets fed up because she doesn't give attention like a dog would, and doesn't come near him most times.

Let us know how it goes.

It sounds like she's displaying typical behavior for a prey animal. Once she understands that those guys aren't going to hurt her, she may even want to make friends with them. It will be up to your men to prove to her that they are ok, though. Maybe they could try giving her some treats during the "stairs" confrontation, too.
Well, she'sgetting more comfortablewith my older brother. I got him to just sit on the ground and not talk to see what happends (he said he wouldn't talk like a 'girl', so he was content with not talking at all.. sheesh!). She stayed clear away from him, then I got him to hold a bit of apple. I guess Pebbles re-thought the "predator" statis, and came up to him and sniffed him. She still won't let him pet her, but will aproach him if he has a treat.

I guess I just have to work with her to get used to more variety of people. She is really outgoing once she gets through the nervous stage with people.


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