I think my Bunny picked his own litterbox

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Jun 5, 2006
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Ever since we brought Paco home he has enjoyed peeing and pooing on the futon. I learned after the first bunch of times to put a protective sheet on the mattress. At least that stops the stains, but it is so hard to keep him off the futon, u look away and he's up there. Any thoughts or similar stories?

I am not displeased with Paco, I have myself to blame for not working on his litter box skills. What should I do when he pees up there? I have recentlybeen wiping it up with a paper towel then putting in his cage, is that a good idea?

That's an excellent idea. You can also try moving his poops into the cage. Is he neutered? That would also make litter training easier.
maybe if you put a litter box on top of the futon? IS he neutered? Trixie had impeccable litter box habits until she hit puberty at around 4 mos of age. Yesterday she peed on the floor outside her cage TWICE! :mad:Unfortunately, once a bunny hits puberty, there's not much you can do until they are spayed/neutered. They just seem to "forget" how to use the litterbox.
no he is not neutered, he is only 11 weeks old. I remember reading somewhere about the age to neuter but I can remember. I do move his poops into the cage, but I really think that Paco just likes to pee and poop on things that are really soft lol.Thanks for all the input,

Depending on the vet, boys can be neutered as soon as their testicles drop (often 12 weeks or so, later for bigger breeds) although some vets prefer to wait for a particular age such as 4 months. Neutering will definately help. It's the only thing that stopped Mocha from peeing on my bed, her pile of towels that she played in, various spots on the carpet... Her nickname was the PooBeast!:shock:
I've have seen a member of this forum with their rabbit named PeaPoo, I was thinking of calling Paco PooPee from now on lol. I will check with the vets around here about when they normally nueter. Thanks Again.

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