I think my bun maybe pregnant! Advice needed!

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Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
NorCal, California, USA
Hi everyone! Long time no chat!
My gorgeous little bun has been doing great, grown up way too fast! Anyway, getting to the point...whenever I visit my folks I bring Bowie with me and 'he' and my sisters male Lop have a great time frolicking around their huge house.
However this past recent time (the 29th) Jagger (her bun) kept chasing Bowie and after doing this for a while (looked just like play to us) Bowie eventually just laid down and Jagger proceeded to 'do the deed'...we separated them immediately after this!
We both feel really stupid, but we thought both bunnies were male and they hadn't ever done this before!
Now I feel awful, like I'm a bad owner or something! I've been doing lots of research on bunny pregnancies and how to care for 'her' and her possible babies. First thing being a trip to the vet. I also have good homes lined up if she is pregnant.
Any tips for me and things I should look out for? I also will be getting her spayed...no question about that!
Yeh I saw that they mount each other for dominance...just she kept rubbing and nuzzling him after? That was when we separated them. If it was dominance wouldn't they have got into a fight?
I tried to flip him/her (not sure what to think lol) but she's never liked being handled much...she growled and kicked not willing to cooperate!
Hopefully can get her to the vet soon! And I hope that she's not pregnant.
Thanks everyone! Just wish she would be more cooperative and let me double check...I was told she was male when I got her. I'm pretty sure if she let me I'd be able to tell.
I bond with her everyday ever since I first got her but she's just always had a wild streak. Hates my fiance, she will actually lunge at him!
Got used to calling her a she now lol. Guess we'll find out soon!
Does Bowie ever lay spread out with his legs behind him? I ask because Basil is 4 months and when he lays like this, it is quite apparent that he's a boy. If you need to pick him up and look, throw a towel over his head then use it to wrap him up like a bunny burrito.

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