I think Maisie's ears are falling!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Maisie's daddy is a lop, so I've been watchingher ears over the almost-month she's been home with us. She'snow about 2 1/2 months old, and I've noticed that everyday her ears arelower and lower. It's not even when she's relaxing them,necessarily, either. When she has them up to listen they makea wide "v" now, instead of sitting next to each other. MaybeI will have a Lop-Eared Maisie after all! :D Onlytime will tell...

Obviously, either way, she's going to always be immensly loved, but itwould be cute to have a lop. Know what I mean?

It's so exciting watching her grow and change. Her prettygray color is deepening, and even has a bluish hue to it now.It's pretty, because her fur is a very light gray on top (with somemed. gray tones to it), and a very dark gray underneath. Whata beauty!!
Lovely! Zorro's ear are pretty bouncywhen he's running around, so I think his ears will fall when he'solder. You have to hurry up and get some pictures of Maisieon here!

Cute! Yes, I'm trying really hard to get pictures of her. Soon, I promise!! :D

Nadezhda wrote:
Lovely! Zorro'sear are pretty bouncy when he's running around, so I think his earswill fall when he's older. You have to hurry up and get somepictures of Maisie on here!


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