I think I need to have my head examined...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
We have an 11 year old dog named Lady (we call her Ladybug sometimes) - she's a black lab/chow mix. Last year she was ill for a bit - she's gotten better but I still worry sometimes that we're going to wind up losing her soon....can't explain it.

Anyway - we had already decided that we were not going to get another dog when she passed away....that we're more cat/rabbit people.

But yesterday - on the way to Walmart there was a "free puppies" sign and it was so hot out...and well...Robin & I decided to look at the puppies. The people are breeders but their golden lab female ran off and bred with the border collie down the road and not with their golden lab male that theyhad to breed her with. (I guess she got loose because they weren't thrilled about it).

The puppies were 6 weeks old...and already on solid food and weaned from their mama. Robin stayed and played with them - I told her if we got one - it would have to be based on personality and not looks (although there was an adorable one there that I loved just based on looks).

When I got done in Walmart...there was one puppy left. Robin said that she felt like the puppy would not do well inmany homes because she was more "whiny" and "needy". Sheesh...sounds like Ladybug.

I couldn't resist. I should have resisted - and at times right now I'm regretting it (I forgot how hard it could be to get them to stop chewing on things).

Anyway - here is Millie. I bought baby gates to keep her away from the bunnies - but she thinks they're just so fascinating!

The picture with the cell phone is to give you an idea of her size. If I hadn't just recently picked up some merchndising jobs I would have definitely said no - but I will be able to afford her shots and stuff this month.

One of the local vets goes to our church and I spoke with her today...she actually saw the puppies there yesterday and said she almost went over to look but knew better. I told her that was ok - she'd be seeing ours next month anyway for puppy shots, etc.

I'm not 100% sure we're naming her Millie but so far - that is the name we like the most..





Edited to add: She has white on all four paws and white on her chest and the white on her nose. I'll try to get better pictures later...
Puuuupppy! Puppies are so sweet, they are all kisses and waggy tails and puppy breath. You know you won't be sorry you got her, she will be firmly lodged in your heart in no time. Enjoy! ;)
She's precious!

As much as I hated it, we crate trained Sydney and it worked great. She still goes to her "house" when we tell her to and all..... she's loose but will go there and stay if we tell her and she will even sleep there..... she's very well trained and happy.

The only time we had chewing with her - she chewed up the corner of the carpet in the livingroom... GOOD DOG! Mama wanted new carpet! ;)and she did that within the firstmonth or two and when I went outside and left her loose, she could see me and hated it!

Oh she's precious all right....so precious that when I got up and was on the computer and then went back to bed last night...I found her in MY spot...

Art said, "You can come sleep next to me if you want and snuggle closer..."

I asked him if she jumped up on her own he was like, "No...I helpd her up..".

So last night - she slept between us! I just moved her closer to him...partly because I toss and turn a lot and didn't want to push her onto the floor and on top of New Hope.

I'm mostly happy we got her - I think. I have mixed emotions. Yesterday morning when I woke up, I felt like something in my life was gonna change. If I told you why I thought it - you'd laugh...but anyway..I felt that way.

This wasn't exactly the change I thought would happen....however....when I saw the sign - I knew somehow in my gut that we were supposed to go over and look and them and maybe adopt one.

hahaha! Hubby didn't want Sydney when we got her. Now, she gets to sleep with us.... She's 6 and still his WUPPER PUPPER DOG! :thud:
Rabies shots aside, you can get her puppy shots at the feed store. I did Sam and Sunshine's for around $7 apiece.

The rabies shots must be done by a vet, but I always get mine done at a clini where it's literally like $5 a shot.

She's a cutie..
Slip on yer spectacles Bo.. I said Rabies shots..lol


You can get the 8in 1 shots from the feed store..
Oh my gosh! What a gorgeous pup, I can't wait to see her growing up! I bet she was whiney and needy because she wanted you to pick her. :D