I think I just met Mrs. Tumnus!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
So, I stopped at a breeder today near my house.The people have a farm and I was stopping to ask if they sell hay orknow anyone who does.

Anyway, the lady has like a few hundred bunnies and she takes awesomecare of them. I was busy oohing and ahhing over the dutches and rexes,when my boyfriend hollers over for me to check something out.

Low and behold, the exact duplicate of Tumnus! The onlydifference was she had blueish eyes, but she was adorable! The ladysaid that it is a purebread lionhead, called a broken.

This has to be either Tummy's mom or sister. Im thinking mom. As mostof you know, he was a rescue so I never knew where he came from.

Now my boyfriend is telling me its fate and I need to bring Mrs. Tumnushome. I dont know what to do! Im gonna have to think this over......
Bring her home!!! If she's even half as cute asMr. Tumnus then she must be really adorable!:hearts I agree with yourboyfriend, it must be fate,:nod I mean what are the chances that youwould find the mum of a rabbit you found running wild!? Definitely gether!:D

Let us know what you decide.
Haley wrote:

Now my boyfriend is telling me its fate and I need to bring Mrs. Tumnushome. I dont know what to do! Im gonna have to think this over......

Well what are you waiting for,ohh and don't think for to long will yalol,because she just may dissapear and you will never see her again:)

ohh yeah do let us know what you decide


Aww, how sweet! If you have the time and resources for another bun I would bring her home. :)

Does Tumnus get along well with other buns?
No, Tumnus doesnt get along with Basil and Max yet.

Weve been attempting bonding, but he's afraid of the other two (Ithink) and he gets aggressive. If I did do this,I would takehim there to see how he would get along with her.

If I knew for sure that he would never bond with Basil and Max I woulddo it for sure, but I just keep hoping that they could all be friendsso that I could keep them together.

Decisions, decisions...
Are Basil and Max accepting of him?

Maybe Tumnus would prefer a lady friend.Since the breederlives close to you, couldyoupossibly ask if youcould arrange to return her if bonding her and Tumnus turns out to bevery difficult?

This must be a hard decision for you, good luck. :)
Most of my reservations stem from the fact thatits a breeder. I always advocate adopting from a shelter, and itsespecially hard because the place where I volunteer has so many thatneed homes.

But she is such a doll and I cant even begin to think how cute it wouldbe to have two little crazy lions running around my house!
As do I but sometimes more comes in to play. Igot the boys from a store and the girls are rescues. I wouldn't tradeany of them. I look at Ringo and Connor and wonder if I hadn't got themfrom the store would who ever else got them would havetreated thier illnesses. Would they have got what they getfrom us anywhere else. Also that rabbit may in the long run end up inthe rescue.I have to say to find the bun like that seems likefate. Even your bf wants to get her which is always a good thing.

In the endyou have to look in yourself and see if you canlive with the choice you make. Can you love her? Can you give her agood home?
I agree...I know you weren't planning on gettinganother bun this way, but it sure does seem like fate, and I wouldn'tpass it up if it were me.

But you're not me...hehe. It's up to you and what you feelabout things. Hope to hear your decision soon!

Also, think of it this way. Those buns need homes, too, yaknow? And though I know they're not as desperate-in-need asbuns in shelters, they do need loving, wonderful homes aswell. Just a different setting.

For instance, my first bun, Maisie, I got from a friend whose rabbitshad had a litter. Though I wish I'd known about shelter buns,I still am very happy to have my Maisie Pearlwater. She'slovely, and loves her home, and is so sweet. She needed agood home, too, but had the fortune to grow up in a loving home priorto her coming home with us, as well as going to a loving home withus. Does that make sense?

Either way, buns need loving homes.

Anyway, just my thoughts. :)

And, no matter what you decide, we are behind you 100%. :D

JadeIcing wrote:
In the endyouhave to look in yourself and see if you can live with the choice youmake. Can you love her? Can you give her a good home?
Hi Haley,

it is great that Mr. Tumnus may finally get someone to hang outwith. no matter what you decide, i am sure it is best for thebunnies. so go for it!


Just a couple of things before you bring herhome :) Have you got room to house her if your male doesn't get on withher? If not will the breeder take her back and if so are you preparedto deal with the upset of having to take her back?

Would it be possible to take your male to meet her and see how they geton? That might be a way forward. If they look like they might accepteach other then get her, if not perhaps not such a good idea?

I talked to the lady and she said she will letme know if anyone else is interested in her. She said Im more thanwelcome to bring Tumnus to meet her and that if theres any trouble shewould take her back...

Im going to attempt bonding for at least a week before I make adecision. I dont think its impossible that the three boys could befriends. I havent been devoting much time to it, since Max and Basilboth had those surgeries and I wanted to give them a rest. Im going toput some time into it and see what happens.

In the end, if its meant to be, it will ;) Thanks for all your input guys!