I think I am dying...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
The title pretty much sums it up. I feel terrible. I was terribly hot while laying in bed (odd for me) and got way too cold when I had Will open up the window. I feel horribly nauseous and want to crawl in a little hole and die. Last night, around midnight, when I finally went to bed, I was really dizzy. Even just laying in bed made the room spin. Now, it's 2:55 AM and there is nothing that I would like more than to sleep. I can't stay comfortable... The only place I can get comfy is in the tub. That is why I bring you this information live from my bathtub. It's my safe place :p

It's awkward to type while in the tub (TMI, I know). I am somewhat flopped over the side (my arm is) and the laptop is on a bucket. It's weird, but it works...

I just want to sleep! I don't want to throw up. Sleep...
Is there water in the tub?

You're probably getting the flu! I've got a bad cold/cough/sore throat. I do ok for a couple of days then it's GROUCHY TIME!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Is there water in the tub?
Why, yes, yes there is. I tend to do that when I'm not feeling good. I know it's not safe to have electronics near water, but it's far enough from the water that if it fell, it would just hit the floor. Also, I make sure my arms are dry when I am touching the laptop. I kind of picked that up after my tonsillectomy this past summer. I was miserable, so I would take a bath, but I'd get bored. Will would put the laptop on top of the toilet and play a movie so I wouldn't get TOO bored. The habit stuck :p I'm odd.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Is there water in the tub?
Why, yes, yes there is. I tend to do that when I'm not feeling good. I know it's not safe to have electronics near water, but it's far enough from the water that if it fell, it would just hit the floor. Also, I make sure my arms are dry when I am touching the laptop. I kind of picked that up after my tonsillectomy this past summer. I was miserable, so I would take a bath, but I'd get bored. Will would put the laptop on top of the toilet and play a movie so I wouldn't get TOO bored. The habit stuck :p I'm odd.
I used to do that. I want my lappy toppy.:(
Sounds steamy :panic:

Sorry you're so sick, it does sound like the flu. Everytime I am sick the best place for me is the bath too, it's the only place I can go to feel a bit better. I'm not advocating drinking while ill as I think it's a bad idea, but if you get a sore throat gargling something alcoholic is soothing.
I woke Will up around 3:30AM by yelling across the hallway from the bathroom. I made him go get me my nausea medication that I had from after my tonsillectomy. It's a little cherry fizz-tab that makes the ickiness go away! I took that, got out of the tub, and went back to sleep. I was fine after that. I feel great today! My stomach is a bit "off" but nothing terrible. I think I'm just hungry right now lol. I never had a high temperature last night. When I took it (before I got in the tub) it was 97.7*F. That's my normal temperature, it's always low. *shrug* Maybe something I ate just didn't sit well. I didn't get pukey, and I didn't have any other "unfortunate" side affects.

I would try something alcoholic, Michelle, but I am mildly allergic to alcohol. I'm not kidding :p
Hurray for feeling better! :weee:
Maybe you just got the touch of the Flu and it went away? Sometimes that happens to me. I guess the body is able to fight it off sometimes. Or you ate something that your tummy did not agree with!
It was probably the 24 hour flu. I'm glad you feel better. I'd never bring my laptop in the wasroom while i was in the tub... I tried with magazines and books and well.. runny ink isn't fun.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Is there water in the tub?
Why, yes, yes there is. I tend to do that when I'm not feeling good. I know it's not safe to have electronics near water, but it's far enough from the water that if it fell, it would just hit the floor. Also, I make sure my arms are dry when I am touching the laptop. I kind of picked that up after my tonsillectomy this past summer. I was miserable, so I would take a bath, but I'd get bored. Will would put the laptop on top of the toilet and play a movie so I wouldn't get TOO bored. The habit stuck :p I'm odd.

I've done this too!! I've sat in the bath with my laptop on a stool to the side of me, a bit further back. I did it mostly so I could listen to music in the bath lol, I didn't talk on msn or anything like that ;)

Glad to hear you're feeling better! :D
mouse_chalk wrote:

I've done this too!! I've sat in the bath with my laptop on a stool to the side of me, a bit further back. I did it mostly so I could listen to music in the bath lol, I didn't talk on msn or anything like that ;)

Glad to hear you're feeling better! :D
Lol , msn. Nice.
Well, I've known some people who actually sleep in a tub with blankets and stuff when there are storms. I thought maybe you just liked the tub to sleep in LOL!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Well, I've known some people who actually sleep in a tub with blankets and stuff when there are storms. I thought maybe you just liked the tub to sleep in LOL!
I did that once.. It was actually very comfterble.

My friend dared me... she slept on the floor lol.


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