I swear.. I wanna choke her..

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Why do I keep buttin heads with BunnyBunBunB?


I thought she was older.. so I looked up her profile, and cross referenced her listed email on MySpace..

I am fookin arguin with a 16 year old! And not a very pleasent lookin' one at that!


I have a 16 yearold.. he doesn't act like he knows everything..

I swear I thought she was older..

Is she always like this?

I need a pigstick.. seriously..

I should have elaborated a bit, but I was so steamed at her.

The doe that died last year, got a stuck kit.. and we're 99% sure she had toxic shock, toxemia, whatever it's called.

I guess I need to go back and mention that, but I don't want to scare poor Gunslinger.

Furthermore.. how does that make us look, honestly.. the man comes to us for help, and we go arguin like a buncha ninnies. I am embarrassed really..

Sorry state of affairs when I am all responsible..lol

The funny part is.. Rick.. my ex... the psycho...

Born in Kentucky...

Jason.. the lawyer who tried really hard to woo me away from Squidz...

Fron Kentucky.. University of Kentucky Law School...

Ty, Blake's friend.. his psycho trampy mom.... from Kentucky...

My least Fav fried chicken......from Kentucky.....

Unfortunately loving Zin and hating the twit still doesn't give us the luxury of telling her she's a twit.

I pulled Zin's post that was well within the guidelines of a personal attack, and Pennie's 'cause it was overkill and she's not a Rabbitry Mod. Polly's feedback is more than sufficient, the points were made.

The twit wasoversensitive to the correction, but then it's best to react with extra sensitivity in cases like that.


I give up.

I don't like seeing someone giving out really bad advice like that. People tore into the kids when they did it ON THEIR OWN..... and bred an older doe.

Bad advice is bad advice - it needs to be corrected. More people saying it's wrong makes the person getting the advice realize the *twit* is a *twit*...... It's not really overkill IMO.

Of course I am not a 16 year old so I guess I don't know anything...... :?
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Why do I keep buttin heads with BunnyBunBunB?

I need a pigstick.. seriously..

Sorry, sorry. :?Now I kinda feel like crap.

But what's a pigstick?
A pigstick is basically a riding crop... and us country mom's find them very handy for unruly children. Blake's gotten mouthy a few times, and found out what the buisness end of a pigstick is for..Lisa, Jarred's mom, carries one in her truck.. we need only gesture that were gonna pick it up and children that arn't even ours shut up..lol

Leaf.. don't feel bad.. it's not your fault she's like that..
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Of course I am not a 16 year old so I guess I don't know anything...... :?
i am 17, and people my age are, well, exasperating (to put it lightly)! a lot of kids don't listen to advice given to them, even by older, more knowlegeable people. they just have this "LALALA i don't care, i am right, you're wrong" attitude goin.

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