Last Friday, when I got home I saw a littlecharcoal gray bunny hopping around in front of the condos where Ilive. It was obviously someone's pet, though did take menearly an hour of bending and stretching under, around and throughbushes to corral the little critter into a cage (single handedtoo). I only had a cucumber to work I had an apple...would have caught him sooner.
I keep a bowl of alfalfa pellets for him, but he doesn't seem to eatthem. He waits until I give him his bowl of fresh veggies andfruit (a general mix of romaine, endive and other lettuces withcarrots, apple, banana, tomato, broccolli, alfalfa sprouts andcauliflour) and given everyday since I captured him.
Would it be OK to avoid giving him the bowl of fresh food for a whileto get him to eat the pellets? The amount of fresh foodamountsbetween 2 to 4 cups per day.
I keep a bowl of alfalfa pellets for him, but he doesn't seem to eatthem. He waits until I give him his bowl of fresh veggies andfruit (a general mix of romaine, endive and other lettuces withcarrots, apple, banana, tomato, broccolli, alfalfa sprouts andcauliflour) and given everyday since I captured him.
Would it be OK to avoid giving him the bowl of fresh food for a whileto get him to eat the pellets? The amount of fresh foodamountsbetween 2 to 4 cups per day.