I rescued a bunny :)

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Oct 22, 2006
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Last Friday, when I got home I saw a littlecharcoal gray bunny hopping around in front of the condos where Ilive. It was obviously someone's pet, though did take menearly an hour of bending and stretching under, around and throughbushes to corral the little critter into a cage (single handedtoo). I only had a cucumber to work with...lol.Wish I had an apple...would have caught him sooner.

I keep a bowl of alfalfa pellets for him, but he doesn't seem to eatthem. He waits until I give him his bowl of fresh veggies andfruit (a general mix of romaine, endive and other lettuces withcarrots, apple, banana, tomato, broccolli, alfalfa sprouts andcauliflour) and given everyday since I captured him.

Would it be OK to avoid giving him the bowl of fresh food for a whileto get him to eat the pellets? The amount of fresh foodamountsbetween 2 to 4 cups per day.


Hi, and welcome to Rabbits-Only!

If your bunny was running around out in the wild for a long time, he may have lost his taste for pellets.

If he is doing well with his veggies, I would stick to it. Itis possible to have a pellet free diet, although it takes a lot of workand a good variety of veggies to make sure bun stays heathly.

Take a look at the feeding Q&A here: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=16340&forum_id=1

It describes different bunny diets. I would still providepellets, and his veggies, and unlimited hay. Eating freshveggies is a good thing, and many bunnies would rather eat pellets allday (not pointing any fingers...Wildfire...), rather than any freshveggies.

Do you have any pictures of your new little buddy? We would love to see him!

Good luck,
Thanks for the ref. I don't think hewas out too long. He wasn't really scared of me like he wouldhave been if he was out for a long time. He was just beingthe typical "try to catch me if you can" house bunny...when you get twoinches away and they hop off into a difficult corner. Lots ofcoyotes, hawks and owls here. Though he is very dark in colorand would provide some camoflauge, a coyote orbird would findhim because he smells different and looks different up against thedesert background than the usual wild rabbits here. The crowsknew where he was...lol. He's certainly a little cutie:) Here are a couple of pics...



Aww, what a sweet little boy!

Do you have any more questions about his feeding? Did the link help you figure out how you are going to feed him?

Oh, and to make the pictures how up right in the thread fromPhotobucket, just put the last link found under the photo the one withthe around it into the thread.

Like this:

That's Wildfire, she doesn't mind parsley, but she's very hard toconvince that veggies aren't going to kill her... She getsvery upset when I try to give her a new veggie.


That's an awesome color on Wildfire.My hair was that color at one point in time, though certainly notintentional...lol. Looks much nicer on the bunny.

Thanks for everyone's welcome and yes, the links worked andhelped. I'll fix the photos when I get home later, soeveryone can see the little guy without loading another page:)

He needs a name. Hmmm....

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