Well-Known Member
I've posted quite a lot on Benji and Pippin's bonding process over the last, well, it's got to be about 2 years. God has it really been that long?
I feel a bit of a failure, as it's taken me so long and it still hasn't happened yet.
When I started the bonding I would do it a few times a week for times ranging between half an hour, to 2 hours! I couldn't stop Pippin humping Benji's face, and Benji nipping Pippin as he ran past. Sometimes this would escalate into a fight. Sometimes it would fizzle out.
Sometimes a whole bonding session would go by with just grooming, nuzzling etc. and no aggression or dominant behaviours at all! Then the next day something would happen.
Now they live together in the shed parted just by (very thick) wire, so they live 24/7 together nuzzling and they sleep next to one another through the bars. I see this all the time. They never act aggressively through the bars- only to groom and nuzzle.
When my Dad is there helping it always goes so much smoother. Because I just stress. When they go near eachother now I whip them apart instinctively, which doesn't help their bonding at all.
After being bitten myself when trying to break up a huge fight, and finding a scab on Pippin, I've been so worried throughout bonding sessions that I just tried to put them off, but throughout the summer my Dad would almost force me to put them together and help me out, and it would always go really well when he was there. I'd stress and he'd tell me to shut up, which is what I need lol.
Since the summer, though, Dad has been back at work and I've been back at Uni, so the bonding hasn't happened so much.
I just brought them together again now, in a neutral room, thinking it would be quite breezy. But all I did was hinder it! I was stressing, and when Benji turned to look at Pippin and walk quickly towards him I got scared and before I knew it i was grabbing Pippin away from Benji (just in case!!!) and I myself caused Benji to growl, by acting the way I did.
And my negative energy must affect them surely?
In just over a years time I'll be out of Uni and the bunnies will be living in my house with me. I'm wondering whether this will make it SO much easier to bond? I desparetly want them to be bonded here because I want them to be free running throughout the day with me.
They snuggle, they groom, they lick and they bunny flop next to eachother and binky. They also hump, growl, nip, chase, fight and bite.
Should I just give up and accept now? It's been 2 years, but not solidly bonding.
Or does this sound like it can work?
And how oh how do I stop myself from hindering it, whilst not placing them in danger?
Just one bite to the throat or something.....it makes me shudder. To look at my arm and think that could be on one of their throats or bellies.....
I feel a bit of a failure, as it's taken me so long and it still hasn't happened yet.
When I started the bonding I would do it a few times a week for times ranging between half an hour, to 2 hours! I couldn't stop Pippin humping Benji's face, and Benji nipping Pippin as he ran past. Sometimes this would escalate into a fight. Sometimes it would fizzle out.
Sometimes a whole bonding session would go by with just grooming, nuzzling etc. and no aggression or dominant behaviours at all! Then the next day something would happen.
Now they live together in the shed parted just by (very thick) wire, so they live 24/7 together nuzzling and they sleep next to one another through the bars. I see this all the time. They never act aggressively through the bars- only to groom and nuzzle.
When my Dad is there helping it always goes so much smoother. Because I just stress. When they go near eachother now I whip them apart instinctively, which doesn't help their bonding at all.
After being bitten myself when trying to break up a huge fight, and finding a scab on Pippin, I've been so worried throughout bonding sessions that I just tried to put them off, but throughout the summer my Dad would almost force me to put them together and help me out, and it would always go really well when he was there. I'd stress and he'd tell me to shut up, which is what I need lol.
Since the summer, though, Dad has been back at work and I've been back at Uni, so the bonding hasn't happened so much.
I just brought them together again now, in a neutral room, thinking it would be quite breezy. But all I did was hinder it! I was stressing, and when Benji turned to look at Pippin and walk quickly towards him I got scared and before I knew it i was grabbing Pippin away from Benji (just in case!!!) and I myself caused Benji to growl, by acting the way I did.
And my negative energy must affect them surely?
In just over a years time I'll be out of Uni and the bunnies will be living in my house with me. I'm wondering whether this will make it SO much easier to bond? I desparetly want them to be bonded here because I want them to be free running throughout the day with me.
They snuggle, they groom, they lick and they bunny flop next to eachother and binky. They also hump, growl, nip, chase, fight and bite.
Should I just give up and accept now? It's been 2 years, but not solidly bonding.
Or does this sound like it can work?
And how oh how do I stop myself from hindering it, whilst not placing them in danger?
Just one bite to the throat or something.....it makes me shudder. To look at my arm and think that could be on one of their throats or bellies.....