Well-Known Member
As some of you know Cleo and Gracie do not getalong... well Cleo anyway. Earlier Gracie went into Pez'scage so we locked her in there so we could let Cleo and Pez free run ofthe livingroom. Well, Pez was in the bedroom so he was noconcern, Cleo was lounging on the other side of the room.Gracie really likes Pez's cage and did not want to come out (no matterwhat treat we offered her). So my husband reaches in the cageto pull Gracie out. He got her out the door and she flew outof his hand.
So now we have one bunny to catch, who knows its bedtime and doesn'twant anything to do with that at all. Well, I swear Cleo haseyes in the back of her head. She was at my feet before I hadtime to look to see where she was.
On your mark, get set....GO!!!!!
Cleo spots Gracie.... Gracie spots Cleo.... Gracie jumps 10 feet in theair.. could have been 20... tried to catch her on the waydown.... Gracie runs... Cleo runs.... Susan runs... Michaelstands in one place :?! Around the couch... underthe table.... behind the chair.... under the end table ... back aroundthe couch.. into the dining room... Cleo stops to take a breath...reach to grab and the race starts again... this went on for 5minutes until I just happened to reach down and happen to catchCleo. Gracie runs to Michael ( as he has not moved from thespot where the chase started).
We finally get them into their rooms and cages. I go out intothe livingroom to get my drink and realize that the sliding door blindsare open.. I look down and realize that ALL I HAVE ON is anoversize t-shirt, that's right, ALL i HAD ON! It does nottake much to realize whose butt was hanging out that door :shock2:
I swear I heard those bunnies and/or my husband snigger, so I socked him in the arm!
Ponders as to why this is always happening to me ?
So now we have one bunny to catch, who knows its bedtime and doesn'twant anything to do with that at all. Well, I swear Cleo haseyes in the back of her head. She was at my feet before I hadtime to look to see where she was.
On your mark, get set....GO!!!!!
Cleo spots Gracie.... Gracie spots Cleo.... Gracie jumps 10 feet in theair.. could have been 20... tried to catch her on the waydown.... Gracie runs... Cleo runs.... Susan runs... Michaelstands in one place :?! Around the couch... underthe table.... behind the chair.... under the end table ... back aroundthe couch.. into the dining room... Cleo stops to take a breath...reach to grab and the race starts again... this went on for 5minutes until I just happened to reach down and happen to catchCleo. Gracie runs to Michael ( as he has not moved from thespot where the chase started).
We finally get them into their rooms and cages. I go out intothe livingroom to get my drink and realize that the sliding door blindsare open.. I look down and realize that ALL I HAVE ON is anoversize t-shirt, that's right, ALL i HAD ON! It does nottake much to realize whose butt was hanging out that door :shock2:
I swear I heard those bunnies and/or my husband snigger, so I socked him in the arm!
Ponders as to why this is always happening to me ?