I Quit Smoking

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
So it's been 5 days since I quit smoking. So far it's not been too bad, however I am using the patch. Chris quit to, but he's not using anything.

I'm fed up with getting bloody chest infections. Since July I've had 4 very bad ones I've been on antibiotics and prednisone 4 times and believe me I hate going on prednisone.

I'm curious about something here, I started Aquafittness in July and that's when I noticed I was getting these chest infections. I would take a week off while I was sick and then would return to the classes and get another infection. I did mention this to my Doctor and she did say it could have something to do with the infections. I'm so allergic to real strange things so who knows.

Susan :apollo:
CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to quit smoking.

I don't smoke, and it really bothers me when someone is smoking nearby but I don't complain.

Could it be the chlorine from the water that causes the infections?
Congratulations! The smell of smoke really bothers me too. Personally I've never really understood the attraction.
:hug:yay for quitting icky things! I know that I've been with my aunt when she was trying to quit (never managed) and it's hard to do. Hang in there!
Hey Diana we'll help each other.

On e good thing is we never smoked in the house so at least the house doesn't stink. You should have seen the two of us outside in minus 40 degree weather in the winter with our PJ's and winter coats. Our neighbours must have thought we were nuts.

LOL, I didn't smoke in the house either andused to do the same thing! It's not fun smoking at 40 below, my fingers would go numb. There are too many furry loved oneshere to be smoking inside, I could never haveexposed them to second hand smoke.

Never mind our health, we get to stay inside all warm and cozy now! :biggrin2:
Way to go!

It's great that you are quitting! My dad smokes, and I hate the fact that he does. A good friend of mine's aunt died of lung cancer from smoking.. it was the most horrible experieince for her.

You guys are so great for quitting! If you ever get that urge, just think of all the money you are saving and how it will help you live longer :D. Not to mention not having to sit teeth chattering out in the cold! :D

Keep kickin' the 'butt'! ;)
Yay go you! That's awsome, sticking to it is the hardest thing. I quit for over a year and started again a few months ago...maybe I should get in on the support group and get myself back on track!
YAY!! Congratulations (and good luck) to you both. It's not even worth it to smoke in Ontario anymore.... there is really no where you can smoke other than your own house... :) (and outside of it ;))

Oh wow, congrats both of you. Many people are now quitting. It has been almost a year since my mom quit, and almost 7 years since my hubby quit. Trust me you will feel much much better after a year fighting this.

Congrats again.
Yay good job both of you!!

My boyfriend and I just moved his mom from one apartment to another. She is a major chain smoker, and her old apartment was so disgusting.

The walls where so stained, that there where perfect outlines of all the pictures and other things hanging on the walls. The walls looked like where 10 shades darker from the smoke staining.

We also took some furniture from her: a dining room set and a couch set. The smoke actually stained the pine of the dining room set we got. The hutch is in two parts and the top sits on a solid slab of pine and when the top is off you can see the outline of where the top sits.

The couch set used to be a nice white colour. Now they are such a dark beige they are almost orange. We had to use a whole bottle of industrial odour remover to get the smoke smell out.

Not to mention, spending the whole day with her being exposed to all that smoke made all of the helpers sick. We all felt light headed and sick to our stomachs for a couple days.

Think of how much healthier you guys are going to be. How much easier it's going to be to breath and exercise!

SOOOSKA wrote:
You should have seen the two of us outside in minus 40 degree weather in the winter with our PJ's and winter coats. Our neighbours must have thought we were nuts.

Now thats dedication ;)

Im so proud of you for quitting! Keep up the good work. You'll feel so much healthier and it will help your breathing so much in the long run.


SOOOSKA wrote:
So it's been 5 days since I quit smoking. So far it's not been too bad, however I am using the patch. Chris quit to, but he's not using anything.

I'm fed up with getting bloody chest infections. Since July I've had 4 very bad ones I've been on antibiotics and prednisone 4 times and believe me I hate going on prednisone.

I'm curious about something here, I started Aquafittness in July and that's when I noticed I was getting these chest infections. I would take a week off while I was sick and then would return to the classes and get another infection. I did mention this to my Doctor and she did say it could have something to do with the infections. I'm so allergic to real strange things so who knows.

Susan :apollo:

Woohoo! So glad ot hear you and Chris are kicking the habit together. I do wonder, though, if there mightbe something to the Aquafitness class link with your infections. It will be interesting to seeif you have any more problems even after not smoking for a month or so. If you do, it might be worth finding anotherform of exercise.

Have you askedanyone else in the class if they've had problems, too?

Definitely something worth investigating.

Keep us up to date on howthings are going.

-Mary Ellen
Well done Susan - keep up the good work!:party0002:

One of mycousins whom I'm very close to has recently started smoking (the 'stress' of uni life apparently :rollseyes) so I've been giving him a lot of abuse about it telling him to quit. He thinks he can just smoke for a year or so andthen quit, but by then he will be hooked and it will be so hard for him to give up.:disgust:

So it's been 10 days and counting since I smoked my last cigarette. I'll be honest their were a couple of times when I really wanted one but said to myself "No way I've gone this long now why smoke for the sake of smoking"

Congrats on quitting! I never smoked, but my fiance did for a long time and I saw how hard it was for him to quit. You are doing a great thing for your health! Good luck!
Hi Susan. How are you and Chris doing with the quiting? It'll be four weeks for me tomorrow!! So far, I'm doing quite well going cold turkey. I had a bad craving earlier today, but I got over it!
Hi YD I'm doing good. I think Chris is smoking a bit, I don't ask that way I don't know LOL. It's so hard though I really miss it but I do realize it was just a bad habit.


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