I posted this on my local craigslist

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Mrs. PBJ

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Galveston, Texas, USA
Rabbits live for 10 years most of the time.
They are not a pet you get that dies like a gold fish or whatever.

Please buy your kids stuffed animals for easter not the real thing.
And you can not expect a 7 year old to take care of a pet by them selves.
And give it away when they dont most 7 years old dont brush there teeth without being told.

So go clean the rabbit cage. With out me telling you.
Feed and water the rabbit without me telling you.

Won't happen my 13 year old neice does not even clean the litter box every day.
Much less remember to feed and water.

Rabbits are the 3rd most surrendered animal into the shelter system.
all of us people that have and know what is about to happen in the next few month dred this time of year.

Please think twice and don't teach your kids that when you think something is to hard just give it away.
Thats whats wrong with our comminuty now.

This is my baby below. he is a real pet he loves me and want attition and need extercise just like my dogs.





Tell me what you think I have a email that I really dont use and will post about every 3 day for the next 2 months.

If only one persons see it and thinks twice it made a diffeence

I think it's great. You could also link to the House Rabbit Society www.rabbit.org and the site www.makeminechocolate.org which is a great educational charity. Don't be surprised if you get a lot of negative feedback. Craigslist has a LOT of trolls in the pet section (at least here), and a lot of people on it raise bunnies for food.
I added the link I already had one lady email me and say I did not know all that about rabbits. and boy do they really need a cage that big.

I sent her the link and also said yes unless they are free rome which storm gets 6 hours of run time through out the day.

The cages we buy at pet store just are not big enough. She said thank you she was going to get one for her grand daughter but now she is going to do the research. Befor and really make sure.

If I made a difference for that one family I did my job. I saved one rabbit.
Mrs. PBJ wrote:
They are not a pet you get that dies like a gold fish or whatever.

I like the idea and think it's worth a shot (although chances are it will be flagged) The only thing that I would leave out is the part about goldfish. I have several fish/tanks and one of my very favorites are my goldies. If properly cared for they can and will live for many years :)

luvthempigs wrote:
Mrs. PBJ wrote:
They are not a pet you get that dies like a gold fish or whatever.

I like the idea and think it's worth a shot (although chances are it will be flagged) The only thing that I would leave out is the part about goldfish. I have several fish/tanks and one of my very favorites are my goldies. If properly cared for they can and will live for many years :)
Sorry I could not think of a pet that only live for a year or so I will take that out.
Well thanks for removing that sentence but you don't need to be sorry. Lot's of people think that goldfish (especially common goldies aka feeder fish) can live in a fish bowl and that they will stay small and only live for several weeks or months. Nothing could be farther from the truth :(
I like the idea, but the only thing I would recommend is spell-checking it before posting and fixing some little errors. I am one of those "odd" people that are "turned off" by grammar errors in articles or posts. I hope that makes sense?

These are the little ones I found while skimming.

Rabbits live for 10 years most of the time.
They are not a pet you get that dies like a goldfish or whatever.

Please buy your kids stuffed animals for Easter and not the real thing.
And you can not expect a 7-year-old to take care of a pet by themselves.
And give it away when they don't most 7-year-olds don't brush their teeth without being told.

So, go clean the rabbit cage without me telling you.
Feed and water the rabbit without me telling you.

Won't happen my 13-year-old niece does not even clean the litter box every day.
Much less remember to feed and water. (<-- sentence fragment)

Rabbits are the third most surrendered animal into the shelter system.
All of us people that have and know what is about to happen in the next few month dread this time of year. (sentence does not have a clear message, consider revising or making it into two sentences)

Please think twice and don't teach your kids that when you think something is to hard just give it away.
That's whats wrong with our community now.

This is my baby below. he is a real pet he loves me and want attention and need exercise just like my dogs.
Also, maybe consider typing out the numbers instead of putting the number in. Example, two vs. 2.

I hope you don't take offense to my little "corrections". I used to help my English teacher edit papers, so it's a bit of a "pet peeve" of mine! :) You have a great idea! I love it!
Thank you If I am trying to get a messege across it should be right.

I am horrible at spelling even small words just never clicked for me.

Now give me anything with numbers and I am a wiz.

I was taking college level algrebra in middle school. And I bet you can find about 5 errors in spelling and grammer in this statement. I can read and do math history science but spelling is my worst subject.

It just never clicked for me thats all.
Trust me! I know how that goes! :D I am a failure at math! I can do basic things in my head, but once I have to do something that requires paper... Forget it! I am terrible! I definitely understand that feeling! :) I hope that your message helps people to opt away from rabbits this season.

If I remember right, there was a "Make mine chocolate" thingy about Easter bunnies. Their whole idea was to buy a chocolate rabbit instead of a real, fluffy one. It was a great idea, and cute, too! :D
to be honest i have not received on bad email a lot of people are asking me about the cage.

I think doing it in a kind way stopps the flaggers down here they hate rude post. a long with others things but many people have not been flagged cause they where polite.

Good job! As a rescue, we are dreading Easter. Actually, it is around June that we dread. That's the start of people not wanting their cute Easter rabbit anymore.

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