I neutered Milkshake and now have an issue

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Active Member
Jul 17, 2010
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Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
Hi Everybody, Milkie is a Palamino (I thinK) rabbit, will be 3 in March. I had him neutered this past Thursday, Nov 11. The surgery was a little bit more difficult than expected - His testicles were further up than expected and in order to get them out the Vet had to dig a little deeper into his tissue and he ended up needing stitches.
That being said, wearing the cone makes it very difficult to eat and drink.I have been hand feeding him and I have taken the cone off at times but as soon as I do he goes for his stitches. At night is the biggest problem because this is when he would be eating his cecals. - Well he can't because the cone is in the way. Will he gets sick if he doesn't get to eat them for 10 days? that is when his stitches are due to come out.
I'm sure others have been through this but as a fairly new bunny owner just want to make sure I am doing right by him.

Thank you for your thoughts and guidance - Kara
My girl, Mini lop, just got spayed couple weeks ago. During her covering time, she didn't chew out her stitches but did lick on them. Our vet wanted to prevent her from doing so, he offered us a cat collar, small thin one. He said it's better than cone. Maybe you can try ? Wearing cone sometimes makes bunny more stressed and above all it makes eating and drink more difficult.
Also I heard some people on Ro saying that their vet put surgery glue on the stitches, to prevent bunny chewing the wound. I don't know if it's the same for male bunny. I think if he doesn't eat night droppings shouldn't make any harms. Just make sure he drinks and nibbles some food. I hope this helps.
:pray: get well soon, Milkie.
Thank you for replying. It is off now so he can eat and drink. I can tell you firsthand the collar definitely makes him more stressed. He hates it! tries really hard to get it off and it also seems to bother his vision as he keeps running in circles like he's chasing it. i feel horrible about making him wear it.
I am just so worried that if I keep it off of him he will lick his wound and maybe get infected or worse tear out the stitches.
At this point I'm wondering which of the scenarios is worse - keeping the cone on or taking my chances...
What is cat collar? Is that just like a normal collar a cat wears?
Yes, just a normal one. We didn't actually put one on Kimiko. She stopped licking it before the vet decided to do so:expressionless.I think if you can find one you can give it a try. Our vet owns bunnies and he said he used normal cat collar for his buns and it worked without stressing up bunnies. It just makes the bunny feel a little bit uncomfortable to curl his body and reach the wound. Maybe you can put the collar on and see if he still can reach there. How about the surgery glue ? Do you still have to go visiting the vet ? Maybe he can use it on Milkie's wound ?
The next time he is due to see the vet is to have his stitches removed. I will try the collar. as far as the glue, I will give him a call and ask about it.

i have just put the cat collar on and will keep a close eye on him. I will let you know how it works and thank so much for this idea.

On another note - how do you post a picture. I would love to have a picture of Milkie under my screen name like you and many others so. Thanks!
1. Click on Menu
2. choose My account
3. Then click on Avatar
:) Also maybe you can start a blog for your baby boy :) I'd love to see him !
You're welcome. :) Nice to meet you.
My pictures exceed the allowed dimensions and bytes. Oh well.

I have the cat collar on and he is still going for them. I keep stopping him and he is getting angry. He just picked up his dish and threw it. It was kinda cute, actually.

I really wish I could post a pic - he is a very handsome bun.
Again, thanks - it was nice to meet you too.

and if anyone else out there has some advice or guidance with this issue -I welcome it.
:( So sorry that collar didn't work on him. Did he get pain med ? Does he eat and drink by himself now ? I hope you will find the solution.
About avatar, maybe you can resize your pic ? I did with mine too.
Hi again, Yes, he did get pain medication. We give it to him in the morning. He has 2 days left. And thank you I resized the picture and was able to upload it.

I am keeping the cone off during the day for the weekend while we are home and can monitor him but will have to put it on at night when we go to bed. I hope he will lose interest in licking the stitches soon so I can leave it off for good. He is so much happier without it.

He is eating and drinking. He is eating his pellets and fresh veggies and greens - not very interested in his timothy grass. He is lounging a whole bunch with limited bursts of energy where he will hop around. He is definitely doing better than I thought he would... I think having the collar off helps :)

I'm happy to hear he's doing okay. That's a good idea. Taking off the cone during day sounds really nice. He will be less stressed. :) Wow, he's really doing great ! I heard that neutering in male bunny is easier than spaying a female, but I'm surprised that Milkie and male bunnies recover so quickly :) Okay, I'll keep checking up on you guys. :) I'm off to bed now. Good night to you and your baby boy.
Most buns will figure out eating with the cone just fine. My Fiona had one after she had a mammary gland removed. It took her a bit but then she figured out how to fit her head on top of her food dish and eat. They're so flexible that it's hard to keep them away from their stitches if they really want to get to them.
They won't be able to eat their cecals but should be just fine for a short period of time if they're on a good diet to start with. It just leaves the cage a little messier and smellier for you.
my vet used disolvable stiches and by the sounds of it i'm glad he did. I don't walter would have tolerated a cone very well at all. he's a grouchy one on the best of days lol. and willow did awesome, i never one time saw her messing with her incision area. and its only been a short time since her spaying and the incision is almost invisible already.
i never bothered with a collar. i just kept Dante near me in a one level pen and used a slightly watered down mix of peroxide applied with an eyedropper and dabbed off with a cotton swab. it healed up in a couple of days. also, your vet should have used stitches that dissolve then an adhesive over that. are you sure they're rabbit savvy vets?? cause this is the first time I've heard of using non dissolving stitches being used on a bunny.

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