If I were to have children (highly, highlydoubtful) I've always wanted to adopt. I have two adoptedcousins and several friends that were adopted. It alwaysseemed kind of normal to me. I think, like Peg said, thatsome people go in with certain expectations of the nature vs. nurturepsychological effects, and they get dissapointed. But itdoesn't work like that in all families. One of my bestfriends in high school was adopted, as were her two younger siblings,all from different families. Their parents encouraged them todo whatever interested them and accepted their differences.So my friend was into music, debate, forensics, etc. and her brotherwas into sports her sister mainly liked to sit at home andread. Of course, this can happen with genetic siblings too (Ihave a science degree, my brother teaches music, and my sister's alawyer).
Although one of my other friends who was adopted had an older brotherthat was her parents' genetic offspring. She was always madeto feel inferior because of that and it probably changed a lot in herlife.
If you want to adopt, look for one of the support groups outthere. Go to meetings and talk to the parents. Evengetting the child can be very frustrating because of the rules and redtape.