I need to be the Big Kahuna

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
*Warning- long post!:p*

Loki is misbehaving more lately. He always was a bit of astinker. Once he learned the concept of rules, he would makeabsolutely sure that he understood them correctly.Example: Chewing on the door. I say no, he stopsand looks at me. Chews on the door again. Repeatabout several times (even with spraying with water) until either I pushhim away or he decides he's satisfied himself with this rule and hopsaway. Usually he would hop away.

The problem now is that he has pretty much stopped hoppingaway. He just keeps doing it. If he stops, heliterally waits until my back is turned and starts again, even if I'monly a few feet away. The really big problem is that hisfavorite rule to ignore is "Don't eat the carpet." Of all therules to break, he choose the one that hurts himself!:shock:

He's also been acting more jealous lately. If Mocha is beingpetted, he wants in on it, too. If I'm petting them both atthe same time, he can get slightly upset if I spend more time on Mochathan on him. He'd rather have both of my hands on himanyway. He's currently banned from my bedroom because he peedon my bed when I wanted to pet Mocha instead of him!:X Thatwas the biggest puddle of bunny pee I've ever seen!

I've been going back and reading Buck's posts about being the BigKahuna. I'm going to try doing the hand-on-the-neck dominancemove. Will that work in this situation? What elsecan I do? I love him but he needs to learn to behave!
Poor You !!!
Sounds like Mr All Full ofHimself needs a Time out , WhenHe misbehaves and isbeing an all around pain in the neck TimeHim out to his cage , I am notsure what it is with Rugs but theyMUST be Chewed , Killed , and used forall measures of ways to tormentthe Human Parent , I wonder ifthe SPray used to stop puppies fromchewing would help deter him ?Its worth a try .
i have the same problem. Rue knows all the rulesand has been very good...until Kweli came home. now Rue is misbehavingall the time, not going back into her cage to go pee, chewing thingsetc... I used to say "OI", and she would stop, now she doesn't evenrespond to "OI".

My girls are not bonded so they get separate play times. This helps abit cause they each get their own attention from me. But...now they arejealous of each other, when one is out of their cage. Grrr...

All i can say, is to be consistant with Loki, eventually he might learn. Rue is slowly getting better.

Good Luck!

Gypsy, I would love to give him time out in hiscage except for one thing- Mocha. They share acage. Mocha gets nervous when she can't get to her hay andlitterbox. Not to mention she's been coming to Loki's defencewhen I push his head down for being naughty.

They're teaming up on me!:X

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