Retired Moderator
Since 'Bummy bit Dandelions ear I have kept the two away from each other. I was saying that we would bond them once the ear healed...then it became...I'll let them get used to the idea of another rabbit being in the house.(they could see each other but were seperated by a fence) Now it has become...I'll house them side by side for awhile and then we'll try bonding.:?
It has come to my attention I might be procrastinating...just a bit.
Ok maybe more than that.
I am literally terrified of putting the boys together again.
I think it would probably be a bit over the top to roll their ears up inside little helmets or something, but darn it all I am scared of them hurting each other!
I haven't even tried to bond him to the girls yet! I know I need to get my...stuff... togther and get going but wow...
'Bummy is the aggressive one and I know Dandelion won't fight him or return any aggression. When 'Bummy bit his ear he just sat there, he didn't even kick to get away!
I know how to bond bunns...I think I am afraid of screwing up again!
It has come to my attention I might be procrastinating...just a bit.
I am literally terrified of putting the boys together again.
'Bummy is the aggressive one and I know Dandelion won't fight him or return any aggression. When 'Bummy bit his ear he just sat there, he didn't even kick to get away!