I need some reassurance

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Clearwater, Florida, USA
I got my official acceptance letter yesterday for Manatee Community College. I've been talking about going to school for some time now. I finally applied. I must say I'm totally scared. I have to take a placement test since my SAT/ACT scores are so old. I did the practice test online and boy I've never felt so dumb. I got like 9 of 28 questions right on the math part. I was never very good with math and it's been 11years since I was in High School. Now I'm all depressed and feeling like this is all a bad Idea.
No its not its a great idea your'e just a bit rusty it will come back to you with a bit of study.

I will cross my fingers for you but i am sure you will do great:)
First of all - you've been accepted - CONGRATULATIONS! That's wonderful and I think you should celebrate.

As far as the placement test - that's all it is. Its to show them if you need to take a math class to get you caught up with those who are current on college level math. What's the worst thing that can happen......that you have to take a course to prepare you for the college level math courses. Fine..you take that along w/ other stuff your first semester and then you're on your way.

I think going for a higher education is always a good idea and even if you have to take an extra class - I don't think you'll regret it.

Thanks, I've been upset all day. I tried calling my mom but she was no help! Just basically said " I told you the longer you waited the harder it was going to be" type of stuff. Bah I hate when she is right! All of this gives me a headache! So I'll just call Monday make the appointment to take the test and get it over with. Then the next stress will be the student loan stuff. I'll be excited after Its all over and I'm sitting in my class.

I say brush up when you can and go for it.

I didn't graduate from HS. I had my boys at a really young age and eventually got my GED. I was out of school for 10yrs when I decided to go back. I was scared and overwhelmed but let me tell you, it has been almost 4 yrs since then and I am about to graduate with my BS in Legal Studies with a GPA of 3.5

My mom was the same way and sometimes is still not the person that I can go to for reassurance because, well, she is being a mom.

You will do great and when you look back you will realize that there was nothing to be scared of at all.

Congrats and Good Luck!
Keep your chin up! You made it this far, that says alot. :)Talk about feeling dumb, I didn't even graduate high school andI never got past Pre-Algebra. :pI can't even imagine the anxiety from going to a college but I'm sure its worth it in the end.

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