I need help with 2 week old babies!

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Mar 11, 2009
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Tampa area, Florida, USA
Hi everyone, I am new to the forum. I have a rescued bunny. She came in with 5, 6 week old babies. Started making a nest so I got suspicious that she may be prego. I re-homed the babies and the SAME day her last baby left, she gave birth to 6 more babies. Sadly, one didnt make it. The remaning 5 are doing very good. They are 2 weeks old today. My problem is that they keep jumping out of their nest AKA shoe box. I've googled with very minimal results. So my question is, what should I do?? Take the box out and let them roam the cage (NO wire floor)? OR?? I dont know?? Please help.
I've had buns before just never this young/small. My last bun was a Jap. Harlequin
Thanks in advance.
At this age they do start to explore the cage. However, it is a good idea to leave the nest box in the cage for a "safe" spot for them.

Some people turn the box on it's side so the babies can still cuddle and hide, but get in and out on their own. Another option is to make some sort of stairs or steps on the outside so they can get back in the nest. Put something smaller in front of the box that they can climb up on to get into the nest.

I have always left the nest box in the cage until I find that the babies have completely lost interest (normally around 4 weeks). But I have always had places for them to hide and cuddle in like a hay bin.

Oh ok. I was thinking about cutting out a door or something similar but I was worried the babies would be able to find the entrance. Im probably just 'over parenting' these guys, but Its hard not to. :D
Please post picks if you have any would really love to see these little babies. do u know what breed they are?
I will as soon as I can. As far as breed, wow. Thats a mystery. Mom is brown with a black nose and the only adult male I know of is white with spots. BUT This litter looks 100% different than the last litter. I really know nothing about breeding rabbits, but the total difference leads me to believe that the 2 litters have 2 different fathers. But I only know of one buck that this person I rescued her from had (white with spots). Unless maybe she allowed momma bun around her older offspring (about 2.5 months old) that I've never seen?? I know momma bunny has the 2.5 month olds, 2 month olds and now these 2 week olds....

Oh but, the litter she came to me with were mainly white with a few spots here and there. These 2 week olds look like a Japanese Harlequin that I had years ago. Stripes everywhere. A few even have the split facial colors. None are white. Its crazy. They are adorable though! I will post pics very soon.

If the babies are determined to explore their world (LOL! and NOT stay in their nestbox...) I'd turn the nestbox on it's side to give them a cozy sheltered spot to hide, but with easy access in and out. I usually take the nest box away when they are between 3-4 weeks old (as long as it's staying clean...) if it's getting soiled too quick to keep clean, just remove the box and give them a nest of hay in the same corner.
My babies did this too after about 2 weeks, but always returned to the nesting box when they would all sleep together. I had 5 babies and I used to try to pick them up and put them back in the nest, but they were determined to explore that cage. Sometimes they would sleep all over the mother rabbit too. It was actually kind of cute.

now my babies are 9 weeks old.....instead of not being able to keep them in the nest, i cannot keep them in their cage! LoL :)
WOW BlueGiants!! Thats the biggest rabbit I've ever seen!! Holy cow, I bet he eats like a horse! Beautiful though.

Oh and thanks for the reply, I was just so taken back by your picture.... I couldnt hold back my amazement.

I cut out the longest side of the nest and the babies come and go as they please now. The only thing is mommy bunny is not litter trained & the babies like to sit in her soiled corner. (EWWW!!!) I tried to put a litter box in the corner she uses as her toilet, but as soon as I do that, she'll start using a different corner. So now I guess all I can do is clean, clean, clean. Right?? Or is there something else I can try?

Oh also, when do the babies start drinking from the water bottle? Its too high for them now, when should I lower it?
My babies started drinking from the water bottle at about 3 weeks. I had to put two of them in the cage though because they would all try to drink from the same bottle at the same time.
You need to make water accessable to them as soon as their eyes open. Give them a bowl or lower the bottle. Momma will teach them to drink. I try to put an extra bottle in the cage space if there is more than 2-3 babies, to prevent competition.

Put the litter box in her favorite corner and leave it there. Eventually, she will go back there... and the babies will be litter trained earlier...

Yeah, therabbit in my avatar was Arizona (now passed). He was a real snuggle bun.I have bigger ones, and I have really nice ones, but Iwill always miss him.

I would suggest adding a lower one, so having at least two in there (and maybe having a couple lowered). That means mum has hers at her height, and the babies have their own one too. I would think putting it in the sooner the better would be best, especially as they are now leaving the nest and trundling around.

I can't wait to see pictures of these cuties :D
I usually have two bottles on the cage for when the babies start coming out of the nestbox. I lower one of the bottles to their level (it's so cute seeing them licking from it too!) and they soon get the gist of it.

I never put bowls in with the babies because I do not want them to drown. Even the most shallowest dish is dangerous -they may not drown, but if they stepped in and slipped it could be painful/scary. I usually will introduce a small dish once they're much older though. This way they get used to both a dish and bottle. ;)

I would also be very careful to not use a water bowl just yet. They should still be nursing from momma so she is supplying them with their nutrition and liquids.

Once they begin to eat pellets then they will be big enough to use a water bowl/bottle hopefully. For now, as long as momma is nursing they should be okay!


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