Well-Known Member
I miss my bunnies while I am at work soooo much. I miss all my pets while I am gone for the day at work for that matter. But I think of how lonley and boredthey must be while I am gone allll day. Thor has so much room to run around while I am gone and gets sooo happy when i get home. As soon as I walk out my back door he stops and looks at me and as soon as I open that kennel gate, he runs to me so fast and starts to love on me and sniff me and jump up on me. I instantly pick him up and hold him like a baby and give him lots of kisses and put him back down. He then runs circles around me and continuously goes in and around under my legs and stops and licks me. He just loves this daily routine. Kramer is in his cage all day until I get home. So he does the let me out dance and get sooo excited when I open his cage. He instantly sniff and licks and wants out for some love and play time. Since I just got Harvey I am not sure he knows what to think yet. I am sure he wil be in the same routine in no time. After my playtime with my bunnies I then love on my cats Talladega and Ricky Bobby and that does not last long and I love that about cats. Very independent. They will be back later for some couch lovin though. I then spend the rest of my evening with my one and only love bug dog "Shiznit" he is my baby and my pride and joy. I have had him since he was 8 weeks old and he fit in the palm of my hand. He is now 7 and fit on lap. He still acts like a puppy and has so much love and life. Then we have our moldy old Ralph,he was a rescuea nd never sis know his exact age. He is on his last little leg. He has a chronic cough and keeps us up most nights. He is not in pain but I am sure it is irritating for him. He also has what I like to call old man dog skin. So no matter what we do fo him he is constantly scratching at himself and snacking on his rear end. The scratching of course starts his coughing fits too. No vet or meds can ever make these things go away. Each year we always think he will not be around the same time the following year but yet here he sits and gives you that adorable puppy dog look. He is such a lil cutie. Anyhootle, these are the things that I miss while I am at work and I think about all my babies all day long. Am I the only one? Wish I could work part time.