Wow...what a lot to go through...for everyone.
Did SHE know she was pregnant? I know it seems impossible, but being that young, she might not have realized, and maybe thought the baby kicking was gas, or some such. It's been known to happen...
I'm glad the baby's doing well...poor thing doesn't know what situation he was born into. I really hope your family straightens things out QUICK, or that baby will pick up on it, and it might affect his general outlook on life. It's odd to think a baby could pick up on things like that, but they really can.
I was quite young when I had Emily, and single (had even broken up with my boyfriend for VERY good reasons just before finding out I was pregnant), and I DEMANDED that, though it wasn't an ideal situation, that people be HAPPY to see her, that they DON'T treat either of us as a burden or bother, made sure that if people wanted to see me they knew my baby would be there, too (you'd be surprised how many people, no matter what age you are, will sit there and try to make plans with a new mom WITHOUT her baby). I was really particular as to who we would hang out with...and anyone that was a bit on the negative side had to wait to see me when she was napping. I was really careful that she NEVER think she was a mistake, or a burden, or someone people didn't want around...and she really took it to heart. She knows what a blessing she is to me. Not a single doubt in her mind.
Anyway, my point being that babies know...they pick up on that stuff. Not that you have much control on what environment they have him in...that's not what I mean. I just hope that maybe you can remind them gently to keep the arguing to when Logan isn't around...ya know?
It's so rough when a family's had a huge blowup in the past...for everyone to put it aside for something is really difficult.
I really hope things improve...and I hope your family is able to move on from this. It's so rough, especially when blame starts getting thrown around...
Hugs and lots of patience and love to you,