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New Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Hello I´m Denise

I have 2 Bunnys :Tappsy and Josi and 2Guineapigs and a Dog

My English isn´t so good :headflick:than I come fron Germany now I think that isn´t a probleme or?

Hi Denise!!

Welcome to the board!

There are lots of friendly people here, and we love to see pictures! So if you have any please feel free to start a blog in the Bunny Blog section, and share pictures and stories of your bunnies.

We have lots of international members, and we always manage to communicate well enough to understand each other.

thats Josi
thats tappsy

Josi is 10-11 weeks old and female

Tappsy is 3 1/2 Years old an male he´s at yester day ?kastrriert?
Ouhh any info over me:I´m 15 years old

I Love animals :colors:I like my friends and I love it to listened musik about böhse onkle(that´s a german music group)

hmm.. I don ´t no what I have to say

Have you any question

Sry,for my English
I'm rather impressed by your English, though of course your Germanness would outrule everything else in my eyes, lol. I'm 1/4 German, but that's also the part that leaves me with my last name, and I've recently developed a bit of a German obsession, partially fueled by discussions with my 3/4 German and German-speaking cousin. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.

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