I?m in Love!

Rabbits Online Forum

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Active Member
Mar 25, 2005
Reaction score
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA
What a day!...Ihave been totally ignoring my work and doing nothing else but readingthe forum…All I want to do is look at everyone’sbunnies.All rabbits are beautiful! And Icontinue to learn so much! I love it here!

Yep, I’ve got it bad…

Janet, Buddha and Bella

PS—I also have to say that I feel so lucky…Ilive about 20 feet from my office and I get to take what I’ve come tocall my bunny-breaks…I go over to my house and wallow on the floor willmy babies about 4 or 5 times a day. It makes me incrediblyhappy and makes having to work the long hours I do possible!

It’s a good life!

Always nice to see someone who knows how totreat rabbits. I deal a lot with some people who think rabbits don'tneed any outside cage time or play time. Poor buns.
Yep, I've said it before and I'll say it again,there's a great group of bunny folks here! My 3 wouldn't be nearly ashappy had I not found this place!
I agree with Mayday. This forum is awesome! Ihope to get a bun soon, and this is a great pre-adoption resource.Thanks to everyone who participates in this forum.
This place amazes me too. This was the firstthread I found.... after looking at a few others briefly, I realizedthis is the best place to be.

Thank you all.:p
Wow, Amy. Never really looked at it that way with your 7.

Thanks for writing this post, Mayday. I'm so glad you're around and youhave started to participate. The forum went through a rough patch amonth or two ago, but I knew it would recover, be stronger, and growfrom the experience - which it has.

I do feel that we have an extremely caring, generous, and special groupof people here. I have to agree with Pam, of the other's I belong to, Ireally do feel that this is the best there is.

The members are all respectful, kind, caring, and helpful. I do believewe've gotten that family feeling back - as much as internet friends canfeel like family.

Onwards and Upwards!

Thank youeveryone for being so welcoming and kind…I feel like I have been giventhe opportunity to meet some kindred spirits and very knowledgeablefolks!


Janet, Bella and Buddha!

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