I love my Shadow!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2006
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Buffalo, New York, USA
Well first off being a mom to a bunnie is way better then I thought. I have always had guinea pigs, mine turned out not to be so affectionate, they would rather be in there cages then held. Dont get me wrong I love my gps, there adorable.But Shadow even if its for a few seconds actually lays on me and lets me pet him and somewhat cuddle. The only thing is when he jumps up on me his intent is to chew and play with the towel I use as a poop guard from my clothes, when I go to pet him he immediatly lays down and justlays there. He seems to have a look of content and happiness on his face and squints his eyes and leans his head the way I am petting him. My question is, when he lays down like that does that mean he likes it, or does he think he has to sit there. I dont want him thinking im forcing him. I dont hold him down, I just place my hand next to him bc he tends to lean which i assume means he is getting comfortable but I keep my hand there so he dont fall. And I think he was grinding his teeth, I beliveI read somewhere that means he is happy, is it like when cats pur they grind teeth? Hope that was enough info to help in answering my question. Anyway Shadow is amazing and from now on im a dog,cat, and now rabbit person from now onlol.

It sounds to me that Shadow is a very happy bunny! When he lays down like that, he's telling you to give him all the loving you can. Mine do that too. They're not like cats and dogs that press into you for petting. Rabbits tend to melt into the floor.:) Clicking his teeth, which is sometimes called a "tooth purr," is another sign of a happy bunny. You are a well trained bunny slave!
Thanx for the reply. Im glad that those are signs he is happy! And yes im a bunnie slave. I hate to see how much attention he is gonna get when its just him and my cat left. Although he gets pretty much 90% of it now anyway. My cat is already showing signs of jelousy:( that should soon pass hopfully.. But thanx again, im really glad that means he dosnt feel forced!