I lost my "cool" this morning

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
Do NOT humiliate a co-worker in the public eye (especially if I'm around)!

I am still shaking I'm so mad.

I stopped at the gas station on the way home from work and hesitated on entering the store because I saw a lady yelling at a man. The two clerks were behind the counter and one kind of shrugged when she saw me and she smiled and nodded so I went in.

I went up to the counter and the one clerk said "that lady has been yelling at him for about 10minutes". I turned to look and the yelling lady was ripping into displays while telling the man "This isn't right! This looks like *poop! These aren't stacked right - Have you COUNTED THESE YET?!?!"

She was going on and on. The man was so red in his ears but calm - "Yes ma'am, I'll redo those, No ma'am I'll sort back through them, No "ma'am, this doesn't look as neat as it could I agree..."

I asked the clerk who she was and from what I understood the man is a vendor and the lady does "suprise inspections" on the vendors themselves.

The company van was outside with a phone number on it so I took it down and asked for the clerks names. They gave them to me, told me the mans first name and the yelling lady had a name tag on.

When I got home I made a call to the company and made a complaint against the woman.

I have no idea if it'll do any good. I don't know the history of how well (or bad) he works - I dont care what troubles there are. Her attitude and public display was absolutely uncalled for and humiliating.

I hate to see people humiliated. I was a "stupid little nerd" all through high school, picked on beyond belief, hated hated hated school because I didn't "fit in" and each and every day was pure torment. But you know - (most) people grow up and move beyond the point of being a victim or aggressor.

I *knew* school was just school and a phase in life. Just once though, it would have been so nice if someone - anyone would have stood up for me in any single incident so I didn't feel so *alone*.

This man who was so attacked this morning, I have to applaud how well he handled himself as far as we could see and I hope the store clerks followed through (as they said they would) with complaint calls of their own.

Jeez! We're all human, we all have bad days, get mad, mess up but honestly, there is a time and a place for everything and this lady obviously had no common sense.

GOOD FOR YOU! I hate when people are like that also. There's no reason to be so hateful! Just ask them to do the work instead of belittling them.
I always work better for people who compliment what I've done and then ask me to do the next thing better. This woman definitely has it backwards!
Leaf wrote:
I dont care what troubles there are. Her attitude and public display was absolutely uncalled for and humiliating.

I hate to see people humiliated.
good for you, the way she handled herself was completely unprofessional!!!!!!!!!! and she should be disciplined accordingly.
Good for you! I commend you for standing up for what you believe in and being there (albeit indirectly) for the man in the store who was being belittled and treated poorly. I don't care what the situation is, there is absolutely no reason to ever treat someone so callously - especially in a business environment with other people nearby.

I, too, think it's really great that the man didn't act out or lash out at the woman. Hopefully she will get spoken to about her poor behavior. Thanks again for speaking out against something that was so wrong.

As a vendor myself, I have got to say that I really appreciate you doing this!
