I just scared the life out of Valuran!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I just ironed a shirt for my hubby, whohasan interview today for a "real" job in his chosen field ofstudy. Well, I thought Valuran was in the cage, but he was right undermy feet, and I gave the shirt a good shake when I was done. That rabbitfreaked out!

He thumped at me all the way across the living room to the other side,then thumped some more. Now, he never thumps, so I know I really gavehim a fright. I feel bad, I should have known he was under me, as helikes to hang out by our feet for some reason (he's weird like that).
Awwww.... lol, Its ok. Duncan does that too. Imalways on the computer and he sit under my feet by it and everytime Imove I almost run over him. He thumps at me when I do that. He isactually under me right now lol.

Sara and Duncan
DuncanTheDutch wrote:
Yea, lol, I know the butt. Here is a pic of Duncan Under my chair.

me and hubby have a theory on why they sit under computer desks next tofeet...we think its a dark place cos of the shadows and warmth comingfrom ur feet..

does anyone know why a bun would stomp for no reason? hetti does this a bit lately.
Stephie has a bad habit of getting under my feetall the time when I'm preparing her veggies. I always have towatch where I walk when I have her out of the cage!:p
Duncan is sooo cute.

As far as thumping for no reason, our doe Abby used to thump a lot, andit was basically when she wasn't getting her way with something. Whenit was bedtime and she didn't want it, we'd get a thump. When she waschewing at the wall and we told her to stop, we'd get a thump. She wassuch a little diva.
Aww Val....it's okay. :) You never know what's going to set them off.

usually when they seem tothump for no reason they may be smellingsomething us numb stuffy nosedhumans cant lol . ORlike one of my Dutch , just toget your attention , with FynnyBunny its his way of saying HEY!!! ineed cuddle time !!!!

LMBO Stephi , everytime i snapthe laundry out I have a Conjure whowill scream OWWWW!!! and she is acrossedthe room lol , as for under thecomputer chair and desk , put yourhand down theresometime the temperature ismuch warmer in winter amd cooler inthe summer , the fan in theCPU acts like a heater inwinter and a Fan in summer ,

Dont worry too much aboutscaring them lol but nexttime try showing him the shirt ifhe sould happen to spook again. You have to figure aNicely pressed shirt , completewith starch ( maybe )May sound like a gun shot tohim and his natural instinct took over, lol His thumping acrossed theroom may have been his warning toyou something was in thewoods. and if he felt you hadntlisten the he turnshis butt and says Oh well !I tried ! .
hahah, oh yeah, he was miffed at me.

He's over it now. I ate some lunch and he was crawling on my lap (I wassitting crosslegged on the floor so I could read). He actually let mepet him, usually I can only do that when he's in the cage.
Oh poor Valuran lol. Poor guy was keepingyou company and got scared. That is so sweet Mommy had to go reassurehim. You just never know what will scare them. What day huh?

Ohhhhhh, my poor sweet Valuran!

* in baby voice * Your Auntie Bun is sooooo sorry that your mean ole' mommy wasn't looking where she was going! ... :X

Treats and kisses! ... :p
Stephanie wrote:
He thumped at me all the way across the living room to theother side, then thumped some more. Now, he never thumps, so I know Ireally gave him a fright.
LOL!!!! Stephanie, you made me laugh so loud when I read this!! AND I'M AT WORK!!!

I know exactly what was going through that bunnie's mind.

This past weekend I was vacuming the bunnies room. I was movingeverything and doing a really through job. I had my back to the doorand the vacum was running. My wife needed to tell me something so sheyelled over the sound of the vacum. She scared about 5 years off mylife for sure. I certainly did some serious thumping!!!! She was tryingso hard not to laugh, but she just couldn't hold it in. This made methump even more! And then I gave her the "butt", too!!


That's too funny. I can be a bit jumpy too. The other night I waslaying in the couch reading, my head towards the door. I didn't hear myhusband come in (must have been a good part in the book or something)and he says something to me. Gave me a heart attack!
My Thumper does that when I clean his cage out.He hates it when I do that. Also if I try to play cat ball with him hegets mad, thumps and then takes the ball and toss it away from him. Hehas an attitude problem. Abby on the other hand she only does it whenshe don't get attention.
I think all buns like to get underfoot. Elvis is very bad about that. And my momalmost stepped on Sampson tonight. Honestly, he is huge, onlyElvis is bigger, and she almost steps on him. I said "watchout!" and she absolutely shrieked! It was a funny scene, butI think you had to be there. Sampson was unfazed by the wholething.
