I am currently feeding my rabbits Zupreme. It was a toss-up between that and Oxbow, and ultimately I liked the ingredients of Zupreme slightly better. The way I see it, both foods have some ingredients I didn't like, but I can pay a huge ammount of money for a timothy based pellet with soy and wheat (Oxbow), or a lesser ammount of money for a timothy based pellet with corn (Zupreme).
My rabbits seem to be doing great on it; very nice coats, good body condition, etc. It IS a very low fat and fiber food, however, which can be a double edged sword. Ideally pellets should only be making up a small % of your rabbit's diet; the rest should be varied hays and veggies. If you are giving a nice variety of hays and leafy greens (which I do) I don't think you'll find any issue. I would not reccomend this food to a rabbit n00b who is feeding mostly pellets with a bit of timothy on the side, though.