Eh... they may not be either WFTDA certified or seeking certification, they may just be a local group doing their own thing, in which case they may not be big on wearing the high dollar protective gear like we do..
Amy, lemmie tell ya something about rollergirls. Remember me and you had words along time ago about your piercings and eye makeup? And now i've joined the freak ranks? Ok well look at it like this..the rest of the world is like I use to be, and rollergirls, they're that group of girls who've spent their entire life being treated like garbage because they're different. Their's 2 ways to be after spending a lifetime of being treated like that, you can either be a bitter person, or a more accepting person. The one's I roll with, and have had the pleasure of meeting from other cities are the latter of the 2. They are just happy to have you there, prolly will wanna see your tatt's, talk about your piercings, quiz you about your eye makeup, and just in general be a friend..
After Jarred died, I found myself pretty lost. I never really was a very good goatroper, and never really was a good prep, I always had hidden rocker chick tendencies. A friend hooked me up with this. I hesitated for a couple of weekends, then ended up going. I walked in, waited in line to pay to skate, looked over at 2 girls with body piercings and black hair, they smiled at me, I knew where I was suppossed to be. I got my skates and walked over. They immediately included me in their convo and when the others got their, I was immediately part of the group, and if I dont show up they wanna know where the heck im at, if im late, their texting me to see if im alive.
I brought another friend in on it. I west end soccer mom.. west end being upper crust. Blonde, Barbie.. teachers wife..she walks in, looks around and says *I am so leaving, my hairs the wrong color and I have no ink...* I told her *Dawn,.. shut up.. your helmet will hide your hair color and I'll draw on ya with sharpies, just give em a chance..*... they immediately started gabbin with her and including her, and shes never left us since then..
In short.. Amy.. I think you should go.. you just mught be surprised at how much you might belong there. Even if you don't skate, there's so many other positions you can fill, like penalty mistress, cheerleader, wardrobe mistress, referee, score girl,..
Especially if its a league just starting up...
Please at least check it out..