I have my rabbit cages in a shed where I keepthe doors open during the day and closed at night. I just went outthere to feed them and when I was just finishing up, I heard a hissingsound. There on the floor at the shed entrance was a big hognose snakeup in the striking position hissing at me and my dog. OY!!!! I am sooooterrified of snakes! I had to jump over it to get out of the shed andran like I've never ran before. The neighbor came over to get it, butby then it was gone. Now I'm really worried about my rabbits. I have 3adults and 6- 3 week old babies. My husband is going to buildnew doors this weekend that open half way up but stay closed at thebottom so nothing can get in there, but I just hope it doesn't comeback for them before then. This is probably a stupidquestion, but can snakes climb up things? The cages are not on thefloor, they are on a long table.