I iz a big gurl now!

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2012
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, , Canada
Momma said that I am old enough now to have a smaller litter box. I had a big one that was the bottom of my baby cage and she had my little hut in it and the rest was my litter box and it was all in a big gurl cage. Now I haz a small box in my big gurl cage so I can have more room.

I think I like it but its so weird having a smaller space but I like having more room to run around.

I a big gurl now! Momma said I am going to get "fixed" in a couple months too. I iz scared because I don't know what that means but it sounds very scary.
Oh, don't be too scared, I was fixed a months ago. I is much happier and not so frustrated. Mom says that I is a big boy now, nice and snuggly and cuddly. Well I tries to be, but still likes to run more than snuggles. Glad that you have more room to run.
I didn't know I was brokeded either but Momma keeps saying fixed. She also said something about being spayed too... I don't know what it is but it sounds like its going to be very scary. She keeps talking about all this stuff and its very confusing and scary. I don't know if I want to grow up!
Iz ok Rue. I iz spayed and it made it much nicer living wif my husbunny. Before I would get all hysterical finking Iz gonna hab babies and peeing everywhere to tell Becky and Gary, my new bun friends, that the whole house was MINE!

Now we can chat abouts bunny fings and I not all stressed out all de time. You will jus go to sweep and wake up wif a bit of a tummy ache. Mommy was so nice and treated me like a queen. I got to nom anyfing I wanted and she gave me some medicine that tasted great! It helped so my tummy didn't hurt. It iz jus a wittle embaressing because you will have a bald spot on you tummy for a while. Its really not bad at awl.

Congrats on being a big gurl and using your potty box! As long as you is good at it then you gets lots more running time! :)
I got my Mommy to take this picture of me and my new cage. She tried to do it on facebook for me but it wouldn't work. So I got her to post it here for me!

Ripley here, MY mommy keeps saying something about getting me fixed too! I feel hurt because I didn't konw I waz bwoken..I thought i just love her alot. Andd she's says she's super scared to get me fixed that something will happen during surgery to me..so I iz scared too now about dis. :'(

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