I have to go to the dentist tomorrow... ARGH!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
I've never ever been scared of the dentist in my life, because I've never had to be. I've always had great teeth, and my dentist has always told me that if everyone had teeth like me, his job would be a lot easier...

I suspect he'll be retracting that statement tomorrow.... :shock:

For the past.... 6 months? I've had an increasingly sensitive/painful tooth.... Now when I look at it in the mirror (it's one of the big back ones on my bottom right-hand side), it's got a big black 'hole' in the middle... :?

It got really bad a while ago just before we moved, but I had moving, and Chalk being ill, and it was all more important. Also, I'm registered with the same private dentist I've been with since I moved to Bristol when I was 5, and it's EXPENSIVE! My mum got me details of one of the few NHS dentists in the area who is taking new patients, but it's around a 6 month wait, at least to see anyone.... :(

So I had to make an appointment with my private dentist, and Steve is having to lend me the money, until who knows when! :? I don't know when I'll be able to pay him back, but unfortunately, he will want the money back sometime, he's so funny with money. I'm really worried I'll have to have a filling or a tooth out and it'll cost a small fortune :shock: Also, since I've not had to have anything to horrific done before, I'm terrified at what a filling might involve, and worried that it might be too late for my poor tooth... :? I honestly wasn't such a scaredy cat before, until the pain set in! It's too painful to even drink water at the moment! :(

Also, since I'm in a ranting kind of mood, I've pulled something in my left shoulder, and can only move my left arm in a penguin kind of fashion... It's also swelled up like 3 times higher than my other shoulder and I got some funny looks out at the shops this evening.... :(:(:( Ice is doing absolutely nothing and I've had some sort of allergic reaction to the ice-pack I used!!! :grumpy:

I'm just going to scream: 'WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE???????!!!!' :p

Sorry for all those unfortunate enough to read this! Wish me luck at 11.40am tomorrow at the dentist, and hope I'll be able to move my arm enough to dress myself to get there LOL!

Jen xxx
I've just read through this again, and I'm ASHAMED of myself! I've had so much worse pain than that this year! And others go through so much worse than this, I feel silly now... I'm being such a wuss! :X


I am still scared and my shoulder does REALLY hurt, but I'm sure I can get through this without being as much of a wimp lol! :p:?
GOOD LUCK! I hate the dentist! And I don't want to have teeth pulled, etc. But, when you look at it from someone else's perspective, or really think, there's people out there who go through a lot worse, so consider yourself lucky you're just getting at least three days of pain, instead of longer ;) That's actually my new motto, hehe.

ETA: let me know how it goes! :)

Jen, don't feel like a wimp or anything! I totally understand. I hate the dentist too, but have gone since I was a preteen and have had just about everything done! Still hate it. Need to go again, putting it off, lol.

Then today, I was going to visit my brother at my mom's, walking out to the car, hmm, my neck hurts, think I best get to the chiro this week. Get in the car, move neck around, owwwwweeee. It locked up, had to go right now! It's hurt all day. So, I know you're pain, girl!

Best of luck tomorrow, probably just need a filling, a huge one.;) Shouldn't be too bad, just tell them to numb the crap out of ya, you'll be all good.:hug:
Oh god, expensive dentists! I'm on DenPlan so I don't have to pay for each but pay each month.

I had my first filling the other day! So if you do have it, its really isn't as bad as you think. I'm a mega needlephobe and I was fine. The most annoying thing of the whole procedure is the fact you have to keep your mouth open and its difficult to not swallow... thats about it!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Thanks you guys! I felt SOOOO bad for ranting on and on like that lol, all about going to the dentist! It's certainly not the worst thing to have to happen to you.... :?

I've just got back.... it's not looking good! Aside from needing a filling in the tooth I mentioned before, I've got several other teeth that are not looking great, and at the very least need a very good clean, and probably filling as well... I've had an x-ray to give him a better idea of whether he'll need to drill :)shock:) or not, and I'm going back on Monday for the fillings!! :shock: Then I have to go back on Wednesday to see the hygenist and have a clean.... I might even have to go back another time for more fillings! :shock:

It's a lot of money... it was £59 today, will be around £90 on Monday, possibly more, and another £30 on Wednesday... That's around £180, at least!! Which is around $360.... :scared:

Poor Steve's wallet! :?
Yeah, it piles up if you don't go regularly. I don't either, I hate cleanings, blah.

Glad it went okay today. You'll do okay with the fillings. Usually you need more than one if you never go, sorry to say. Last time I went I had three done in the same session:shock:, and yes, expensive! Especially if they're deep fillings, those are so costly and border line crowns, even more costly:?. Best to keep up on it best you can, if you see any decay.

Best of luck to you on Monday:hug:! Let us know how it goes!
Don't apologize...pain is pain, fear is fear, no matter what the cause. I carried an intense fear of the dentist for many years when I was a teen/young adult, and only ever went if it was an emergency. (My oldest brother was even worse; he still refuses to go to a dentist, and now he's 59 and 3/4 of his teeth have fallen out :shock:)

I was very fortunate to find a great dentist several years ago, and my fear of dentistry eventually petered away. I went from being a chair-gripping, finger-indent-leaving terrified mess to someone who could now walk in, sit back and make jokes. Unfortunately I went through radiation several years ago that left my salivary glands wonky, and now I have to go for dentist visits four times a year (twice each time actually, as they have to freeze one side of my mouth each time, making it 8 times a year); I have to have my mouth frozen in order to have a cleaning done. Teeth have eroded because of lack of saliva, so the cleanings help to protect them. (But now my mouth is super-sensitive to everything!)

So going to the dentist may not be the worst thing to happen to a person, but for some people its an intense fear. I'm glad you were able to go and find out what you need to have done...having a cavity filled takes no time at all, and these days it's just about totally painless...even to have the freezing applied, they numb the gum first with a swab. I think it's the thoughts of having it done that is far worse than the actual experience... :)
Thanks Bassetluv and Crystal!

I've been meaning to update this all evening but other threads kept catching my eye first lol...

I went this afternoon, and.... NO DRILLING!!! :dude:

HE reckoned that according to my x-rays the decay didn't penetrate deep enough to need drilling etc, and that it could just be sealed... So he did some sort of chemical cleaning, then syringed some sort of sealant, then dried it, and rinsed etc, and it was done! No pain at all, just a bit confusing, and it did make me dizzy, 2 people stood over me waving about my face while I was pretty much lying on my back, but i wasn't for too long...

The only thing though, is he doesn't seem to have done anything at all to the tooth that I went about in the first place! :? It's still really painful, and has a big black shade in the middle... I didn't notice really at the time because of all the stuff that was going on in my mouth, and feeling so dizzy etc...

I have an appointment with the hygenist on Wednesday, so I may mention it then, or I might call up tomorrow...

Does that sound weird to you guys? I'm sure he mentioned it at the beginning of the appointment, but then he just sealed 5 other teeth... Could it be that he just forgot maybe?

Hmm, that does sound a bit strange. I'd call and ask for sure, they have x-rays to go on, so you wouldn't have to go in. That is very strange he worked on others and not the one you went in about.

That is so awesome about the sealant! I've not heard of that. Guess mine are always too bad to be able to use it, lol.:shock: Next time I go, I'm going to ask about it!:)
I had 3 wisdom teeth out a year ago.
I didn't notice that at all though, because as long as I was out, they chipped away my tori (bony protrusions, 2 in my mandible and one where the two maxillary bones meet.)
missyscove wrote:
I had 3 wisdom teeth out a year ago.
I didn't notice that at all though, because as long as I was out, they chipped away my tori (bony protrusions, 2 in my mandible and one where the two maxillary bones meet.)
:shock: That sounds painful right there!:? You poor thing.:hug:
It was. I still have an awesome scar down the roof of my mouth.
Last year in my anatomy class we were talking about the maxillary bones and where they meet and my teacher says, "sometimes people can feel the seam between the two with their tongue" and I'm thinking to myself, wow, I totally can...
Then I realized that that was my scar.

Growing up I thought everybody had them. You know when you go to the dentist and they take x-rays and shove those things inside your cheeks? That's a lot less painful without tori, but I always thought it was just some kind of design flaw.

I also have a funny shaped retainer because of my tori.

As for the wisdom teeth, ice is essential. 20 minutes on 20 minutes off for the first few hours will keep the swelling down.

My oral surgeon sent me home with a "jaw bra"

EEEEK!!! :shock: That sounds painful! It puts my little sealants and a clean to shame lol!

I had a wisdom tooth out a couple of years ago before it had come through because it was impacting on my other teeth and there was no room for it, but I paid extra and got heavily sedated for it, so I don't remember a thing luckily. I had to have someone with me though, and my best friend took a hillarious video of me sat in the waiting room afterwards babbling some incoherent rubbish to the poor guy across the room! Apparently I was cold and trying to put a cardigan on but couldn't manage it... :p

I went back on Wednesday for my clean, and she sealed 3 more teeth but still not the one that hurts! Apparently the x-ray came back clear on that so they just want me to use the high-flouride toothpaste for a few weeks and see if it gets better. Thing is, then I'll have to go back and pay more money! :( Not happy!
i hope its not painful, friday last week i had surgery on my right ring finger because i had broken a chip out of it while i was intertoobing on lake Barkley in KY :grumpy: i spent 3 hours waiting for surgery with an IV (it wasnt too cold) and spent like 30 min in surgery whats up with that???? one of the guys i go to school with his dad had his finger cut off and he spent like 2 hours waiting..... i hope getting my teeth taken out isn't like this