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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
I was going to reorganize my photo bucketaccount but that would be insane I have to many pictures on this forumto move anything. So instead I am creating a new one. This one will bemore detailed than the last one.

Means I have to take lots and lots of pictures.


P.S. Sorry I need to be distracted. I am a nervous wreck with Connor's neuter.






Geez, I couldn't vote cuz the question is sortof answerable two ways...no, you're not insane, but then again...youare bonkers over bunnies just like the rest of us here...so to theoutside world, you (and the rest of us) probably are a touch mad! ;)

And I know you must be pacing the floor right now, so I'm giving you some hugs :hug:to help.

Let us know how your little guy is doing as soon as you hear from thevet, okay? (btw...he has the moststunningblackcoat!)

:hug1<--- for Connor
Yes he does.

Thank you. I am a nervous wreck. First thing he did was kick them when
they tried to weigh him. Than kicked when they touched him "there". He
now weighs exactly 3lbs.

Is it bad that I voted yes before I even read your post?:D

It's fun to be insane- I already am.

I love that pic of Connor throwing the plate! Don't worry,he'll be fine. Although he won't be exactly 3 lbs anymore.:lol
You're not insane!!!!:shock: Ok, well...maybe a little bit, but that's ok! We still love ya!

Any news on Connor?? He's such a beautiful boy, I love black rabbits,my favourite colour. I know I will be exactly the same when Pebble andEbony go in for their spays:shock:

I called the vet and they will not releaseConnor yet. He got out of surgery at 11:30am and it's now 2:46pm. He ishuddled in the back and has not eaten.Do toa snowstorm coming in the vet wants him to stay the night. She is worried ifhe got bad we wouldn't be able togethim to avet.There will be someone rabbit savy tonight, and she willbe in at 8am tomorrow. I can get him any time saturday or sunday.

I am crying I want my baby but I need to think about what is best for him.
Oh man.....I can see where you would bestressing. Could you call them back closer to 5 pm and see if he's okto be released then? Just maybe say you were calling to double check?

Part of me thinks it would be better for him to be w/ you - part of me thinks it is better for him to be there.

Either way - you're both in my prayers.

TinysMom wrote:
Oh man.....I can see where you would be stressing. Could youcall them back closer to 5 pm and see if he's ok to be released then?Just maybe say you were calling to double check?

Part of me thinks it would be better for him to be w/ you - part of me thinks it is better for him to be there.

Either way - you're both in my prayers.


She said I could do that but what she worries about and what I worryabout is this is supposed to go straight through the night. If it doesand he gets bad we might not be able to get him to the hospital.Atleast there if he needs help he is with someone that can really dosomthing.
Just called the vet, he has nibbled. I guesswhere he is he can still hear the dogs but he is used todogs.Thing is we went down the street to pick up somegroceries but it took us forever to get there. The snow is coming downso hard that you can only see a few feet in front of the car.

Ok so say we get him what happens if he gets bad during the night andwe can't get him back in. Or do I leave him there alittle stressed butwith someone who can care for him if something happens?

Oh and I can call when ever I please as far as I am concerned I am paying them. :X;)

((Hugs)) to you and Connor!!

I know how scared I would be leaving a bunny overnight at the vet's :)But I think in this situation, it's probably the best thing...At leasthe got through his surgery fine and is now eating!!

Yup. Pick him up first thing in the morning, andtaking advantage of it I will stick Dallas, Teresa and Elvis in acarrier for a bonding drive.

I saved the best photos from my first account. 1981 from that one.:shock:

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