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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Queens, New York, USA
oK, so everyone knows im rabbit sitting this new black lop starting today. See below link to thread:


Well, im already in love with this bunny and think im gonna keep itso guess what i was thinking. you know how my other three rabbits are Rice and Beans and Marshy (short for Marshmellow). Well since I've only had Marshy for like a month what if i change her name to Salt and name the new black rabbit Pepper?!

So my rabbits will be, Rice and Beans AND Salt and Pepper. (I can call Salt 'Salty' so it sounds more affectionate when I call her name). what do u think?
u know what though, i kinda dont like Salt for a name so maybe i can keep it as marshy and still name the other one pepper....or, whats black that goes with marshmellows??
Marshmallows and chocolate go together (S'mores).

Burnt marshmallows are black (charcoal).

Or, you can try opposites of a soft, white marshmallow such as "Coal".


Just saw the other post -- Hershey is a great idea!

CUTE!!! Can't wait to see your beautiful new baby!! :)

Aren't bunnies so addicting? I can't even look at the rescue pages that get posted every now and then, as I start dreaming of another bunny! LOL!!

Four animals in a one bedroom apartment is ENOUGH...LOL!! (At least according to my husband...the party pooper...hehe!!)

pamnock wrote:
Marshmallows and chocolate go together (S'mores).

Burnt marshmallows are black (charcoal).

Or, you can try opposites of a soft, white marshmallow such as "Coal".


Just saw the other post -- Hershey is a great idea!
or how about Co co? as in co co puffs??

Laura is right, marshy and hershy sound too close.

guys guess what!!! i went into the office and she ran over to me and ran circles around my feet!! she loves me already! im sooooooo happy!! i've decided that now that i have 4 bunnies i am going to take the bunny room as my bedroom and they can have my big master bedroom. its going to be my project for tonight!! (hmm, aren't most 22 year old new yorker women out clubbin on fridays? hehe, oh well!!)
JimD wrote:
Anybunnie else like Marshmellow Fluff ??? :D
another good idea!! shoot i just cant pick!! i am just so excited about this rabbit. she is bigger than my other three and a lop and she is soooo affectionate. i cant believe she has done circles around my feet already!! I want to pick the perfect name for her.....
Laura wrote:
That's great! Cocoa and marshmallows go great together!

It's so sweet that you're giving up your bedroom for the bunnies!

Yea u know what my fiance said to me, he said if we are arguing and i say "Really! I promise on my life!" he still wont believe me. but if i saw "Really! I promise on my rabbits!" he knows im telling the truth. hehehe
Laura wrote:
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
i cant believe she has done circles around my feet already!!
Are you sure "she" isn't a male? I've only seen males circle.
Defintily a possibility Laura! I even asked the woman who gave it to me how she knew it was a girl and she said "pet store" so i automatically was thinking that the sex is still "unknown." so in this case, i will have to keep teh rabbit away from marshy as she isnt spayed yet. rice and beans are though...
it's so much fun trying to pick out a name for a bunny,sometimes it can be very hard to come up with just the right one as well.

hehe by the way i have a bunny named Marshmallow and we call her Marshy for short all the timeor sometimes just Marsh,she mainly gets called Marshmallow when shes being a bit naughty or if she is getting up into mischief,she is just over 2 years old,i also have another bunny called Chocolate Bunny,which is Marshy's daughter hehe a matching pair.


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