I hate uncompassionant Walmart

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Autumn - Administrator
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
London / North Bay, Ontario, Canada
SO I went to Walmart tonight after class to pick up some litter for my cats. While I was sitting in the parking lot listening to the end of a radio show, I saw this little fuzzball dart out from under a car.
Sure enough, it was a cat.
I followed it around the parking lot to Walmart's closed in storage shelter. ON my way, I overheard a cart guy ask somebody jokingly if they wanted a cat.
I cornered the cat pretty well, but I needed into the enclosure to get him. I walked back out to the front of the store to ask customer service for help.
The lady rudely refused to assist in anyway.
I walked to the McDonalds and asked if they had any food that had just hit the floor, like a pattie or a nugget. They refused, so I offered to pay for two patties. SHe got in a debate with me over whether or not I could buy a patty. THus, I bought twso hamburgers, with no buns, pickles mustard or ketchup; two patties, like I asked. Grabbed a can of cat food and some treats.
Took burgers outside, and asked the cart guy where the cat usually hangs out. He pointed to a lonely cart carrel out in the nether-reaches of the parkinglot.
According to him, the cat had been wandering around just in the parking lot for the last week, crawling between cars all day long. He promised not to move the burgers if I put them under the carts, which I did.
Also put the can of wet cat food at the back of the Walmart shelter, with some scattered cat treats.

I feel so angry right now, I'm crying. How on earth can people be so uncompassionate! I wasn't asking for anything much; just a bit of garbage and access to their shelter. Would have taken just a few minutes of somebody's time. THis isn't the first time I've found a stray... Found a stray, pregnant animal while traveling in New Brunswick with my parents late at night. They wouldn't even let me bring her to a shelter...
Feeling very alone and angry... Why doesn't anyone care about these animals????
People are jerks. If it causes them any type of work/inconvenience, they generally won't help.

I hope the little kitten will come out and someone can catch him.

McDonalds can't give away trashed food for fear of someone actually eating it.
People suck sometimes. I don't understand how people can just walk by without doing anything to help these animals either. It reminds me of Leaf's signature "You are forever responsible for what you tame."

Kudos to you for trying to help that poor cat.
they couldn't give you the food(yes, you say it's for a stray cat..but there are people that actually will eat it themselves..the health dept. would've have a fit)...but there's no reason they shouldn't have been willing to sell them too you!

is it possible that the lady you talked to at Wal-mart didn't have the authority to let you in? I must admit though..I have yet to meet anybody that works at wal-mart that actually has a smile on their face (I'm sure they exist.....just not at MY store!)
I recognize the position that employees are in, but if we were to follow all the rules all the time, when would we be compassionate? Compassion means going outside of the comfort zone, risk for the good of another... I will never turn my back on someone, human or animal, for the sake of a rule.

I wrote several ads and posted them online. I contacted a woman who had a lost ad for a longhair beige cat, offering to help her if she wanted to catch it. I'll be calling the SPCA shortly; they can do better than I can; they're got authority.

Will hopefully be able to bring another can to him/her tonight...

There was this stray dog that use to come around Dairy Queen all the time, and we would give it leftover food all the time, it was so happy. And then we'd have customers come in and buy the food for the dog. I remember this one lady said she wanted her food and before she paid for it, she mentioned it was for the dog, then we just let her have it. I wish people around you could have been that nice for that poor cat. Even if they weren't allowed to let you in there, they could have sent somebody else to help you out.

You are such a good person for getting that cat some food and trying to help it. :)
I think maybe there's some luck???!!!!

> Subject: Response to ad on NorthBayClassifieds.com: Found: Longhair cat
> Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 06:36:49 -0700
> hi
> what did this cat look like?
> my male bermin cat when missing a month and a half ago. He is brown grey and beigh - looks like a long haired simese

Hi Leslie;
The colours are the same as your guy, longhair. I couldn't really see the face, as he was darting ahead of me at a good clip. I get home from school tonight by 10 PM, and was going to go put down more food for him. If you'd like to meet up with me, you and I might have a chance of catching this puss. If he's not yours, I'll take care of him. two pairs of hands would certainly help, though. I've got a carrier and food.
Give me a call (705) 478-9985, and lv msg, and we'll see what we can do tonight. This might take a few days, but this cat looks really confused, like a pet would.


Maybe we'll have some luck; her original post says the cat's name is Mr. Bojangles. If nothing else, he might come to his name even if she isn't there :)
Even if this isn't her cat, at least he'll be caught.

Called the SPCA; they said that they will not retrieve an animal unless it is confined.:?
Guess this is up to me, then...
And that's the reason why I love my animals and I can't stand people. I would rather have a conversation with my dog/rats or bunny then a person. People tend to be o-so ignorant and mean.

I find it horrible how people can Euthenize animals but not people. Where's the sense in that? Killers, rappists, child molesters. Sure they can live & rot in jail but innocent animals that weren't asked to be homeless or stuck in a shelter are easily put to sleep. How sad is that!?

I hope that kitty is ok. I've done stuff like that too. I used to keep dog/cat foods/treats in the trunk of my car. Nothing super pricey. Just some cheap stuff that I can give them if need be to make sure they have a meal.
OMG I hope that's her cat! You know, if more people would take a minute to CARE now and then - the world would be a much better place.

You're a great person. The kind I don't hate! LOL!

(if you haven't read my posts, many times I just post how I hate most people!)
I'll be praying thats her cat! Its so sad how many animals are either abandoned or lost and no one bothers to help them. Thank you for helping this little one- Its freezing here so I imagine it must be there as well.

I took in a stray cat that was hanging around McDonalds near a busy xpressway here. He was just the sweetest cat ever. None of the shelters were accepting cats so the only option was animal control- where he would be put down on the spot. Fortunately for him (and me) Ann (seniorcats) stepped in and offered to give him a loving home or find him one with her rescue. He still lives with her over a year later and is such a great cat. I hope your guy has a happy ending as well!

Hide nor hair of the puss tonight.
The girl Leslie (& her husband) came with me, and brought a picture of the cat. We approach a art guy who said he was confident that was the animal... poor girl was crying.
Was out there for about 45 minutes (freezing cold up here too!), and didn't even catch a glimpse of a movement. Cart boy said he had seen the cat out by the back trash compactor, so I put some food down there.

Can of food put down last night wasn't touched. Hamburgers were gone, but they might have gotten nailed by seagulls.
Placed another can of cat food in the centre of a cart carrel. I looked under all the cars in the parking lot, rattled the carts, and nothing streaked out.

They went in to talk to the manager and workers who could help. Hopefully the ppl will be responsive. One woman claimed that she had been giving treats to a cat there, but she felt that the cat was more striped than the picture showed. Anyhoo, the couple asked that if the employees could catch the cat, to send it to the SPCA, and they would retrieve it.

I think I'll try the cat again tomorrow night. Perhaps I scared it badly last night, or its just too cold tonight. Amazing how many good hiding places there are just around the Walmart building. You could have a whole colony and never know it.

Got a second reply to my ad. I responded, but she hasn't written back yet.
Maybe I just have to stake out Walmart, and wait for something to move. When the cat started moving last night, I noticed it almost immediately....

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