I hate stupid drivers!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
So I was on the highway on my way home from picking up the bunnies last night when all of a sudden, I couldn't see anything! I slowed down of course, and figured out that the car in front of me was ON FIRE!!! I couldn't actually see flames and I suppose it could have just been burning oil, but either way there was smoke pouring out from under the car. I honked at her and pulled up by her trying to get her attention but she was talking on her cell phone and not paying any attention to me. While I was trying to get her to pull over, I could see that the amount of smoke coming from her car was getting worse and I wasn't sure what to do.

I didn't know the number to highway patrol so I ended up calling 911 and they got a cop out there to pull her over within a couple minutes. I just can't believe that this lady was driving down the road with her car smoking like that and she didn't care! Not only was it dangerous to her I would assume but it was extremely dangerous to those of us on the road around her because it was impossible to see if you were close to the car.

Has anyone else ever seen something like this? What would you do?

I have never heard or seen anything like that - ever...

How could she not know her car was on fire.

I would do the same as you did then turn around and have nothing to do with it.

Failing getting her attention I would have done the same thing you did.

When I was a kid I recall my mom and I driving home late at night from somewhere. Back then there were no cell phones and we lived in a town that shut down at like 9pm. As we were driving we saw this green jeep swerving through all the lanes. back and forth, back and forth. My mom sped home and called the police. The guy driving was having a heart attack. I don't know what happened to him, but if my mom hadn't called who knows how long that guy would have stayed out there without someone knowing.

Driving can be scary

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