I HATE Palmetto Bugs!

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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA
I was woken up at 2 AM when one of these darn things was crawling across my shoulder.


This is the American Cockroach. Found in the south from about South Carolina all the way down to good old sunny Florida. For a size indicator, someone posted this:


The one crawling on me was probably only an inch and a half, but it gives you some idea.

I felt it, woke up and did a frenetic swish of my hand across my shoulder about 5 times, hurling the bug off of me. I sleep about 4 feet from the window, so it probably hit the curtain. I didn't swat it, I swept it off my shoulder. So the thing is still alive!!!

Here's the deal. These things FLY! Note the wings...


So I'm lying there in bed, now fully awake, panting. Listening for this critter, who I can hear buzzing about the room. I'm under the covers, sweating and totally awake. I hear it fly right over head so I put my face under the covers, too. Still....wide awake. I can't help but listen.

I know you're saying, "Just turn on the light and kill the thing, Minda." Yeah...well, normally that's what I do (although it's normally me screaming, turning on the light and running out of the room so hubby can do it). However, hubby has been placed on a heart monitor for 24 hours (he's been feeling some skipped beats), so I was trying soooooo hard not to wake the man up!!!

These things are scary, ok? It's the only thing that freaks me out this badly. They actually fly and run TOWARD you, because you're tall and they think you're a tree and safety! The DO bite (only when frightened, but I'm pretty sure I'm scaring the crap out of it if I'm flailing around when it lands on me)!

So....here I am. Up since 2 AM. I'll have to take a nap later, after I find the bugger and squish it!

sigh...All this wet weather makes them scurry inside.
Ew. I can understand your reluctance to sleep. Could you maybe creep quietly out the room and sleep on your sofa? Maybe closing the door on your hubby and bug friend? :p
Ewwwmegawd. I wouldn't be able to hold back the screams! I can't even think about sleeping when theres a fly in my room, let alone something like that! My dreams of moving to America are quashednow I know things like that exist! I feel your pain! Maybe wear like a all in one including mesh head peice to bed tonight.
Oh if you do that PLEASE take pictures :D
We had those nasty things when we lived in Samoa. They were so big down there that you could put a saddle on them and go for a ride. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and one was sitting on my pillow staring at me. Eeeeeew!
Growing up in Australia those things don't really bother me, considering we fight off things much much scarier than that.

I'll post one of them a little later.
Saudade wrote:
Growing up in Australia those things don't really bother me, considering we fight off things much much scarier than that.

I'll post one of them a little later.
it's going to be furry with lots of legs isnt it:cry2:nerves1:ph34r2
slavetoabunny wrote:
One time I woke up in the middle of the night and one was sitting on my pillow staring at me. Eeeeeew!
Sounds like you had a stalker-bug that just liked to watch you sleep. :p

Luckily, the biggest bugs that we get here are June Bugs and Cicadas. Neither get into houses. :) We do, however, get lots of centipedes (you know, the ones with all the twitchy legs?). I hate those buggers.

Sorry to hear that your night was shot, Minda. Evil buggies...
Thankfully the worst we get here is flies, I'm not really afraid of bugs though, I remember when I was younger having a bug collection! But Yeah they are big!
When I lived in Guam, we had those giant roaches!

Do you have many geckos around there? When I first moved to Guam, geckos in the house weirded me out. Especially when they'd just randomly run up the living room wall! Then I realized they ate the giant roaches, and I welcomed the geckos with open arms!
I don't like the tiny cockroaches we have in the midwest...... don't know if I could deal with your bigger ones..... but I have played with madagascar hissing cockroaches many times.... LOL!
OK, I took Flashy's advice and slept on the couch. Woke up when hubby got up (sun up, bright rooms) and he sent me to bed so I could get some real sleep. My back hurts and I dreamed of killer bears nosing at me (I'm sure that must have been Kirby wondering what the heck I was doing on the couch).
Unngh. I've woken up to bugs on me too. In Alaska, these hideous beetles come out for a couple weeks early each summer: http://www.birdmom.net/Wildlife/BeetleRedSpot%20(WinCE).jpg They have really long antennae and fly around landing on everyone. Ew. When we lived in Texas, every spring junebugs would come out en masse. I remember having to use an umbrella because there were so many of them and they fell out of the sky like rain! Then one morning we'd wake up and everything would be covered with junebugs because they all died during the night.

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