I hate my family sometimes.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Pheotown, IL :D, Illinois, USA
Okay, well I have two older brothers.

They are 15 and 18.

Im the youngest, and a girl.

Alot of the time, it seems like my Dad favor them. Like ALOT!

like today,

I walk into the kitchen, and start eating something. My Dad ask's how things are doing with the bunnies, and I was kinda zoning out, so I ask, what?. Not even in a snappy tone, like I wasn't being additudy at all.

So my Dad makes this big deal out of it, and ends up storming out of the room 10 seconds later.

I call out after him "Sorry for ruining your life, jeez!"

and then he said something under his breath, that sounded like "me too".

Im sorry, im telling you all of this, its just wasting your time.

But I really feel like an outcast in my family sometimes :(.
Sorry you're feeling down right now :hug: I know what it's like to have a parent completely misinterpret what you said. My parents are divorced and my mom used to absolutely nag the heck out of my dad and get mad at him about really stupid things. Unfortunately, I look a LOT like my mom and my father has, on more than one occasion, blown up at me because I said something innocently that he misinterpreted. For example, once we were driving out of his neighborhood and the light came on saying one of the doors was ajar. He got out and went around opening and closing doors, and when he got to the correct door, I called out to him that the light turned off. He apparently thought I was snapping at him and got really mad. I always give him a couple hours to cool off and then explain things. He said he jumps to conclusions because I look so much like my mom and he expects me to act like her, too!

Maybe when things have cooled down in a little bit, you could go talk to him about what happened. You might have also misunderstood what he said! Good luck!
That's true...sometimes things can get misheard/miscommunicated...especially between parents and their kids.

Yeah, just give him a little time, and he'll come around, and you can explain things. I know what it's like being the outcast...I always was, too. I think a lot of people on the board were, too.


Sometimes it's hard for dads to relate to their daughters and moms to their sons. Also, as mentioned - parents sometimes hear things differently than they are meant...

Don't worry about it
I'm sorry Silvie.

But I know what you mean, my older brother is the first born, my younger brother is the baby, and I'm the girl middle child.

And me and my dad have noooothing in common, so...yeah. :? He goes downstairs and listens to rabbit cries for his coyote call, how great is that? He' a hunterrr.
I know how you feel. I have 3 older brothers, 16, 25, and 27.

Evidentually, Im the youngest. Its not easy with brothers, Not only with your dad but mom too can sometimes favor because thier older so they can relate in someways us young-ones can't.

Because they are older I find my mom expects me to fix thier wrongs and not fallow. Becuase none of my brothers (the 25 and 27 year old) have went ot collage and still don't plan on it. So my mom has more expectations to be the ' Perfect' Child and sometimes that gets in the way and we get pushed so much I find she favors them. But i guess she is just being strict, or snappy because she wants me to be the change in the family.

I know it can be hard but if you ever want to talk, Pm me.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Sometimes it's hard for dads to relate to their daughters and moms to their sons. Also, as mentioned - parents sometimes hear things differently than they are meant...

Don't worry about it

This is very true. Me and my 14 year old son have times as well. Sometimes I take things he says personally when I shouldn't, sometimes he's just being a hormonal brat:p.

I'm sorry Silvie, but it will blow over.;) Misunderstandings happen:). Maybe trying talking to him later about it, or just drop it and talk to him like it never happened.

Wait until you get married or live with your guy, Silvie :p.

I think Ryan have a few disputes a day like this, hahaha! We can never stay mad at each other, though.

Cheer up, we all say things we don't mean :hug:.
undergunfire wrote:
Wait until you get married or live with your guy, Silvie :p.

I think Ryan have a few disputes a day like this, hahaha! We can never stay mad at each other, though.

Cheer up, we all say things we don't mean :hug:.
Yep, for me and hubby, it's me and my "tone", sheesh. It can be as simple as that to the opposite sex too:?. They don't think like we do, they think automatically to "solve" a problem, when alot of times, we just want them to "listen".
You've got that right, Crystal! Ryan will snap at me if my "tone" sounded snotty or something :cool:. I never mean to sound snotty, haha!

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